DEFAULT menu.c32 TIMEOUT 2 MENU TITLE PXE Boot Menu LABEL clonezilla MENU LABEL Clonezilla KERNEL images/cz/vmlinuz nfsroot= append initrd=clonezilla/initrd.img boot=casper noswap netboot=nfs nfsroot= live-getty console=ttyS0,19200n81 LABEL tc140_ttyS0 MENU LABEL TCL 14.0 with serial console KERNEL images/tc/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=/images/tc/core.gz,/images/tc/site.gz keymap=qwertz/de console=ttyS0,115200 LABEL tc64_ttyS0 MENU LABEL TCL 6.4 with serial console KERNEL /images/modified/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=/images/modified/core.gz keymap=qwertz/de console=ttyS0,115200