.\" iwleeprom is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. .TH "iwleeprom" "8" "03 November, 2010" "ittrium, ShultZ" "iwleeprom 0.0" .SH "NAME" iwleeprom \- EEPROM reader/writer for intel wifi cards .SH "SYNOPSIS" \fBiwleeprom [-d device [-m] [-c] | -n] [-i filename] [-o filename [-b]] [-p] [-I] [-D]\fR .br \fBiwleeprom -l\fR .br \fBiwleeprom -h\fR .SH "FEATURES" iwleeprom can read/write intel wifi cards EEPROM to/from file. .TP Following cards are supported read/write: .br 4965AGN .br 5100ABG/AGN .br 5150AGX/ANX .br 5300AGN .br 5350ANX .br .TP Following cards are supported read-only: .br 1000BG/BGN .br 6000 series .br .SH "OPTIONS" .TP .B \-d \-\-device PCI device in following format: .br .I 0000:00:00.0 (domain:bus:dev.func) .TP .B \-n \-\-nodev don't touch any device, file-only operations .br .TP .B \-m \-\-preserve-mac don't change card's MAC while writing full eeprom dump .br .TP .B \-c \-\-preserve-calib don't change card's calibration data while writing full eeprom dump .br .TP .B \-o \-\-ofile dump eeprom to binary file .TP .B \-b \-\-bigendian set output file byteorder to big-endian (default: little-endian) .br use with \fB\-o\fR .TP .B \-i \-\-ifile write eeprom from binary file dump file byteorder will be autodetected .TP .B \-p \-\-patch11n patch device eeprom to enable 802.11n. .br use this option to convert your 5100ABG/5150AGX to 5100AGN/5150ANX respectively if 802.11n already supported by your card, this will unlock some channels .TP .B \-I \-\-init init device power. .br use this option if driver hasn't inited the device (for ex. if it has wrong dev_id or subsys_id) .TP .B \-D \-\-debug set debug level (0-1), default 0 .br .TP .B \-l \-\-list list known cards .br .TP .B \-h \-\-help show help