ptp4l[91694.948]: ethtool ptp4l[91694.948]: interface 'mesh0' does not support requested timestamping mode ptp4l[91694.948]: phc_device: /dev/ptp3 ptp4l[91694.948]: selected /dev/ptp3 as PTP clock ptp4l[91694.950]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[91694.951]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[91694.951]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91694.951]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91696.927]: port 1: received pdelay_resp msg with unexpected peer port id 04f021.fffe.ac43ae-1 ptp4l[91696.929]: port 1: multiple peer responses ptp4l[91696.955]: port 1: received pdelay_resp msg with unexpected peer port id 04f021.fffe.ac33d0-1 ptp4l[91702.358]: port 1: LISTENING to MASTER on ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES ptp4l[91702.359]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33ac as best master ptp4l[91702.359]: assuming the grand master role ptp4l[91712.930]: timed out while polling for tx timestamp ptp4l[91712.930]: port 1: MASTER to FAULTY on FAULT_DETECTED (FT_UNSPECIFIED) ptp4l[91712.930]: increasing tx_timestamp_timeout may correct this issue, but it is likely caused by a driver bug ptp4l[91712.930]: port 1: send peer delay response failed ptp4l[91728.932]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[91728.932]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[91728.933]: port 1: FAULTY to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91728.936]: timed out while polling for tx timestamp ptp4l[91728.936]: increasing tx_timestamp_timeout may correct this issue, but it is likely caused by a driver bug ptp4l[91728.936]: port 1: send peer delay response failed ptp4l[91728.936]: port 1: LISTENING to FAULTY on FAULT_DETECTED (FT_UNSPECIFIED) ptp4l[91744.938]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[91744.938]: port 1: FAULTY to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91744.938]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[91748.944]: port 1: multiple peer responses ptp4l[91748.944]: port 1: received pdelay_resp msg with unexpected peer port id 04f021.fffe.ac43ae-1 ptp4l[91751.285]: port 1: LISTENING to MASTER on ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_EXPIRES ptp4l[91751.285]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33ac as best master ptp4l[91751.285]: assuming the grand master role ptp4l[91751.941]: port 1: received pdelay_resp msg with unexpected peer port id 04f021.fffe.ac31cb-1 ptp4l[91752.943]: port 1: received pdelay_req msg with unexpected peer port id 04f021.fffe.ac31cb-1 ptp4l[91754.942]: port 1: MASTER to FAULTY on FAULT_DETECTED (FT_UNSPECIFIED) ptp4l[91754.942]: timed out while polling for tx timestamp ptp4l[91754.942]: increasing tx_timestamp_timeout may correct this issue, but it is likely caused by a driver bug ptp4l[91754.942]: port 1: send peer delay response failed ptp4l[91770.944]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[91770.944]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[91770.944]: port 1: FAULTY to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91776.952]: timed out while polling for tx timestamp ptp4l[91776.952]: increasing tx_timestamp_timeout may correct this issue, but it is likely caused by a driver bug ptp4l[91776.952]: port 1: send peer delay response failed ptp4l[91776.952]: port 1: LISTENING to FAULTY on FAULT_DETECTED (FT_UNSPECIFIED) ptp4l[91792.954]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[91792.954]: port 1: FAULTY to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[91792.954]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported