ptp4l[143229.037]: ethtool ptp4l[143229.038]: interface 'mesh0' does not support requested timestamping mode ptp4l[143229.038]: phc_device: /dev/ptp3 ptp4l[143229.038]: selected /dev/ptp3 as PTP clock ptp4l[143229.040]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143229.040]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143229.041]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143229.041]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143236.063]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143236.063]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143236.063]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143243.163]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143243.163]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143243.163]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143250.348]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143250.348]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143250.348]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143256.971]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143256.971]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143256.971]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143263.905]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143263.905]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143263.905]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143269.935]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143269.935]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143269.935]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143276.298]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143276.298]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143276.298]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143282.816]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143282.816]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143282.816]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143290.533]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143290.533]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143290.533]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143298.000]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143298.001]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143298.000]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143305.082]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143305.083]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143305.083]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143312.880]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143312.881]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143312.881]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143319.243]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143319.243]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143319.243]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143326.063]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143326.064]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac32da as best master ptp4l[143326.064]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported