ptp4l[143340.896]: ethtool ptp4l[143340.896]: selected /dev/ptp3 as PTP clock ptp4l[143340.896]: interface 'mesh0' does not support requested timestamping mode ptp4l[143340.896]: phc_device: /dev/ptp3 ptp4l[143340.898]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143340.898]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143340.899]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143340.899]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143348.764]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143348.765]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143348.765]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143355.561]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143355.561]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143355.561]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143363.425]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143363.425]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143363.425]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143370.157]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143370.157]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143370.157]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143377.832]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143377.832]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143377.832]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143384.790]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143384.790]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143384.790]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143391.449]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143391.450]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143391.450]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143399.032]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143399.032]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143399.032]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143405.992]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143405.992]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143405.992]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143413.944]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143413.944]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143413.944]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143420.686]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143420.686]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143420.686]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143427.661]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143427.661]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143427.661]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143435.477]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143435.478]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac33a3 as best master ptp4l[143435.477]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported