ptp4l[143116.306]: ethtool ptp4l[143116.306]: interface 'mesh0' does not support requested timestamping mode ptp4l[143116.306]: phc_device: /dev/ptp3 ptp4l[143116.306]: selected /dev/ptp3 as PTP clock ptp4l[143116.308]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143116.309]: port 1: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143116.309]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143116.309]: port 0: INITIALIZING to LISTENING on INIT_COMPLETE ptp4l[143123.707]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143123.708]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143123.707]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143129.938]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143129.938]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143129.938]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143137.159]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143137.159]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143137.159]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143144.318]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143144.318]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143144.318]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143150.617]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143150.617]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143150.617]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143157.406]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143157.406]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143157.406]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143163.693]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143163.693]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143163.693]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143171.499]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143171.499]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143171.499]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143178.523]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143178.523]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143178.523]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143185.230]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143185.230]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143185.230]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143192.249]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143192.249]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143192.249]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143199.202]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143199.203]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143199.202]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143206.125]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143206.126]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143206.125]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported ptp4l[143212.749]: driver rejected most general HWTSTAMP filter ptp4l[143212.749]: selected local clock 04f021.fffe.ac31d2 as best master ptp4l[143212.749]: ioctl SIOCSHWTSTAMP failed: Operation not supported