import paramiko import time import json def ssh_connect_with_key(hostname, port, username, key_path): ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect(hostname, port, username, key_filename=key_path) return ssh def start_iperf_server(ssh): stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('iperf3 -s -1') return stdout, stderr def start_iperf_client(ssh, server_ip, duration): command = f'iperf3 -c {server_ip} -t {duration} -J' stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) return stdout, stderr def main(): server_hostname = '' server_port = 22 server_username = 'root' server_key_path = '/home/apu/.ssh/id_ed25519' client_hostname = '' client_port = 22 client_username = 'root' client_key_path = '/home/apu/.ssh/id_ed25519' duration = 10 # duration of the iperf3 test in seconds # Connect to the server server_ssh = ssh_connect_with_key(server_hostname, server_port, server_username, server_key_path) print(f"Connected to server {server_hostname}") # Start iperf3 server server_stdout, server_stderr = start_iperf_server(server_ssh) print("Started iperf3 server") # Connect to the client client_ssh = ssh_connect_with_key(client_hostname, client_port, client_username, client_key_path) print(f"Connected to client {client_hostname}") # Start iperf3 client client_stdout, client_stderr = start_iperf_client(client_ssh, server_hostname, duration) print("Started iperf3 client") # Read iperf3 client output client_output ='utf-8') print(f"Client output: {client_output}") # Parse the result result = json.loads(client_output) throughput = result['end']['sum_received']['bits_per_second'] # Save the results in the defined structure log_structure = f"{server_hostname} | {client_hostname} | 1 | {throughput / 1e9:.2f} Gbps\n" # Write the log to a file with open('iperf3_results.log', 'a') as log_file: log_file.write(log_structure) print(f"Results written to iperf3_results.log: {log_structure}") # Close SSH connections server_ssh.close() client_ssh.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()