At boot prompt enter mc followed by one or more space separated options: Color 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 256 8 bit 769 771 773 775 32000 15 bit 784 787 790 793 65000 16 bit 785 788 791 794 16.7M 24 bit 786 789 792 795 vga=7xx 7xx from table above xsetup Prompt user for Xvesa setup lang=en C only unless getlocale.tcz is installed kmap=us US only unless kmaps.tcz is installed text Textmode superuser Textmode as user root noicons Do not display icons noicons=ondemand Do not display ondemand icons noswap Do not use swap partition nodhcp Skip the dhcp request at boot noutc BIOS is using localtime pause Pause at completion of boot messages