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Following valid quota options are available (pass by separating with comma): [^]usr[quota] [^]grp[quota] [^]prj[quota] 5-Feb-20231.47.0tune2fs %s (%s) randombad mounts count - %scontinueremount-ropanicbad error behavior - %sbad gid/group name - %sbad interval - %sbad reserved block ratio - %s-o may only be specified once-O may only be specified oncebad reserved blocks count - %snow%Y%m%d%H%M%SCouldn't parse date/time specifier: %sbad uid/user name - %sbad inode size - %sInode size must be a power of two- %sUnable to resolve '%s'c:e:fg:i:jlm:o:r:s:u:C:E:I:J:L:M:O:T:U:z:Q:Couldn't allocate memory to parse options! clear-mmpclear_mmpmmp_update_intervalInvalid mmp_update_interval: %s mmp_update_interval too big: %lu Setting multiple mount protection update interval to %lu seconds Setting multiple mount protection update interval to %lu second force_fsckSetting filesystem error flag to force fsck. Setting test filesystem flag^test_fsClearing test filesystem flagstrideInvalid RAID stride: %s stripe-widthstripe_widthInvalid RAID stripe-width: %s hash_alghash-algInvalid hash algorithm: %s Setting default hash algorithm to %s (%d) mount_optsExtended mount options too long encodingThe casefold feature may only be enabled when the filesystem is unmounted. Cannot alter existing encoding Invalid encoding: %s Setting encoding to '%s' encoding_flagsorphan_file_sizeInvalid size of orphan file %s error: Invalid encoding flag: %s Setting encoding_flags to '%s' error: An encoding must be explicitly specified when passing encoding-flags Bad options specified. Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid extended options are: clear_mmp hash_alg= mount_opts= mmp_update_interval= stride= stripe_width= force_fsck test_fs ^test_fs encoding= encoding_flags= hash ea_inode entry/sys/fs/ext4/features/metadata_csum_seedWARNING: Could not confirm kernel support for metadata_csum_seed. This requires Linux >= v4.4. while reading journal superblockJournal superblock not found! UUIDTEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCKwhile trying to open external journal%s is not a journal device. Journal superblock is corrupted, nr_users is too high (%d). Filesystem's UUID not found on journal device. while writing journal superblock.Cannot locate journal device. It was NOT removed Use -f option to remove missing journal device. Journal removed This operation requires a freshly checked filesystem. Please run e2fsck -fD on the filesystem. (and reboot afterwards!) Please run e2fsck -f on the filesystem. %s -b-sAfter running e2fsck, please run `resize2fs %s %sPlease run `resize2fs %s %s -z "%s"' to enable 64-bit mode. ' to disable 64-bit mode. TUNE2FS_FORCE_PROMPTwhile allocating memorywhile opening inode scanwhile getting next inodeopen ea_inoderead ea_inodeclose ea_inodebad i_extra_isizewhile writing inodewhile rewriting extentswhile rewriting directorieswhile rewriting extended attributewhile reading bitmapsdisable_uninit_bgwhile zeroing unused inodeswhile initializing block bitmapsInvalid filesystem option set: %s Clearing filesystem feature '%s' not supported. Setting filesystem feature '%s' not supported. The has_journal feature may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted or mounted read-only. The needs_recovery flag is set. Please run e2fsck before clearing the has_journal flag. while reading journal inodewhile clearing journal inodewhile writing journal inodeThe orphan_file feature may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted. The orphan_present feature is set. Please run e2fsck before clearing orphan_file feature. while loading bitmaps while trying to delete orphan file orphan_file feature can be set only for filesystems with journal. Setting filesystem feature 'sparse_super' not supported for filesystems with the meta_bg feature enabled. The multiple mount protection feature can't be set if the filesystem is mounted or read-only. Error while enabling multiple mount protection feature.Multiple mount protection has been enabled with update interval %ds. The multiple mount protection feature cannot be disabled if the filesystem is readonly. Error while reading bitmaps Magic number in MMP block does not match. expected: %x, actual: %x while reading MMP block.Disabling directory index on filesystem with checksums could take some time.Cannot disable dir_index on a mounted filesystem! Clearing the flex_bg flag would cause the the filesystem to be inconsistent. The huge_file feature may only be cleared when the filesystem is unmounted or mounted read-only. Enabling checksums could take some time.Cannot enable metadata_csum on a mounted filesystem! Extents are not enabled. The file extent tree can be checksummed, whereas block maps cannot. Not enabling extents reduces the coverage of metadata checksumming. Re-run with -O extent to rectify. 64-bit filesystem support is not enabled. The larger fields afforded by this feature enable full-strength checksumming. Run resize2fs -b to rectify. Disabling checksums could take some time.Cannot disable metadata_csum on a mounted filesystem! Cannot enable uninit_bg on a mounted filesystem! Cannot disable uninit_bg on a mounted filesystem! Cannot enable 64-bit mode while mounted! Cannot disable 64-bit mode while mounted! Cannot enable project feature; inode size too small. Warning: '^quota' option overrides '-Q'arguments. The casefold feature may only be disabled when the filesystem is unmounted. The casefold feature can't be cleared when there are inodes with +F flag. Setting feature 'metadata_csum_seed' is only supported on filesystems with the metadata_csum feature enabled. UUID has changed since enabling metadata_csum. Filesystem must be unmounted to safely rewrite all metadata to match the new UUID. Recalculating checksums could take some time./var/lib/e2fsprogs/usr/share/localee2labelUsage: e2label device [newlabel] TEST_IO_DEBUGwhile checking mount statusUnknown mount point for %s while opening mount pointwhile trying to get fs label%.*s Warning: label too long, truncating. while trying to set fs labelwhile trying to open %sIf you are sure the filesystem is not in use on any node, run: 'tune2fs -f -E clear_mmp {device}' MMP block magic is bad. Try to fix it by running: 'e2fsck -f %s' Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock. Cannot modify a journal device. The inode size is already %lu Shrinking inode size is not supported Invalid inode size %lu (max %d) Resizing inodes could take some time.Overwriting existing filesystem; this can be undone using the command: e2undo %s %s E2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIRnone%s/tune2fs-%s.e2undowhile trying to delete %swhile trying to setup undo file tune2fswhile determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_mount_pointRecovering journal. while recovering journal. Please run e2fsck -fy %s. Setting maximal mount count to %d Setting current mount count to %d Setting error behavior to %d Setting reserved blocks gid to %lu Setting interval between checks to %lu seconds Setting reserved blocks percentage to %g%% (%llu blocks) reserved blocks count is too big (%llu)Setting reserved blocks count to %llu The filesystem already has sparse superblocks. Setting the sparse superblock flag not supported for filesystems with the meta_bg feature enabled. Sparse superblock flag set. %s Clearing the sparse superblock flag not supported. Setting time filesystem last checked to %s Setting reserved blocks uid to %lu Invalid mount option set: %s Error in using clear_mmp. It must be used with -f The filesystem already has a journal. while trying to open journal on %s Creating journal on device %s: while adding filesystem to journal on %sdone Creating journal inode: while trying to create journal filewhile creating orphan fileThe quota feature may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. Cannot enable project quota; inode size too small. while initializing quota context in support librarywhile updating quota limits (%d)while writing quota file (%d)while removing quota file (%d)Cannot change the UUID of this filesystem because it has the stable_inodes feature flag. Setting the UUID on this filesystem could take some time.The UUID may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. If you only use kernels newer than v4.4, run 'tune2fs -O metadata_csum_seed' and re-run this command. nullcleartimeInvalid UUID format Need to update journal superblock. The inode size may only be changed when the filesystem is unmounted. Changing the inode size not supported for filesystems with the flex_bg feature enabled. Failed to read inode bitmap Failed to read block bitmap blocks to be movedFailed to allocate block bitmap when increasing inode size Not enough space to increase inode size Failed to relocate blocks during inode resize Error in resizing the inode size. Run e2undo to undo the file system changes. Setting inode size %lu Failed to change inode size Failed to rewrite metadata checksumsSetting stride size to %d Setting stripe width to %d Setting extended default mount options to '%s' while writing out and closing file systemyY Proceed anyway (or wait %d seconds to proceed) ? (y,N) Proceed anyway? (y,N) nNext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. will not make a %s here! %s is apparently in use by the system; mke2fs forced anyway. Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! device Could not find journal device matching %s fast_commit_sizelocationv1_superblock Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid journal options are: size= device= location= The journal size must be between 1024 and 10240000 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The total requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 10240000 blocks. Aborting. Total journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. MMP check failed: %s MMP error info: node: %.*s, device: %.*s, updated: %swhile reading block %llu while writing block %llu JBD2: corrupted journal superblockJBD2: bad block at offset %u JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log ../../misc/../e2fsck/recovery.cobh != ((void *)0)JBD2: Invalid checksum recovering data block %llu in log JBD2: Out of memory during recovery.JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u JBD2: error %d scanning journal ../../misc/../e2fsck/revoke.clist_empty(hash_list)!jbd2_revoke_record_cache!jbd2_revoke_table_cachejournal->j_revoke_table[0] == ((void *)0)((hash_size) != 0 && (((hash_size) & ((hash_size) - 1)) == 0))../../../lib/support/mkquota.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate dquot [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID %u:actual (%lld, %lld) != expected (%lld, %lld) [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot close quotafile: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while opening inode scan. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while getting next inode. ret=%ld [QUOTA WARNING] Missing quota entry ID %d Couldn't allocate memory to parse quota options! The file %s does not exist and no size was specified. Creating regular file %s Could not open %s: %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? stat%s is not a block special device. LABEL%s contains a %s file system labelled '%s' %s contains a %s file system ext last mounted on %.*s on %s last mounted on %s created on %s last modified on %sE2FSPROGS_LIBMAGIC_SUPPRESSlibmagic.so.1magic_openmagic_filemagic_loadmagic_closedataempty%s contains `%s' data PTTYPEFound a %s partition table in %s ../../../lib/support/quotaio.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_llseek failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_read failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_write failed: %ld unknown%s.%s[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ex2fs_read_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_write_new_inode failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: init_new_quota_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->new_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate quota handle [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->check_file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->init_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dquot aquotausergroupproject../../../lib/support/quotaio_v2.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Not Implemented. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Your quota file is stored in wrong endianness [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: file size %llu; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_blk %u; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_entry %u; dqi_blocks %u ../../../lib/support/quotaio_tree.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write block (%u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read block %u: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dqbuf [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Illegal reference (%u >= %u) in %s quota file [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota for id %u referenced but not present. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot allocate new quota block (out of disk space). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota structure has offset to other block (%u) than it should (%u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Inserting already present quota entry (block %u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: find_free_dqentry(): Data block full unexpectedly. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota write failed (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write quota (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read quota structure for id %u: %s Collision found: '%s' refers to both '%s' and a file '%s'. Using '%s'! ooooAoKo!oZooooooooooooooo-ooNoAD AvA xEAB B(!AB BAA ,$AG CAAA ,RAB ACCDAAA ,$AB BCAAA ,TrAB ACErAAA (SAB AAKAA $OAB BGAA ,AB BCAAA ,AB CAAA  8AB A ,\}uKB F^AAA  AB A ,)AB AD AAA ( AB ACAA $  *AB AC`AA ,4 4AB C*AAA ,d$zAB ACClAAA $&aLB EKAA (W&AB CxAAA ,&AB ACCAAA ,$)AB CAAA @Hx-D IuDupu|uxut- AAAAC 99 AB A$90AB BhAA (9KB HlAA ,<;AB C1AAA ,@ =eAB C[AAA ,pA?IAB C?AAA (Z@_AB CUAAA $@AB BAA $@)AD B_AA (@AB CzAAA $HEA*AB AC`AA pGAAD T AAAB N 3AAB N %AAD T AAB N AAB N 0AAD V P@AB N p@AB N @AD V @AB N @AB N @AD V @AB N 0@AB N P@AD V p@AB N @AB N @AD V @AB N q@AB N   c@IAG D| 4 @3AB o ,T @^AB BCRAAA  @.AB Ai  @AB G  @AB G  @*AB Ae  @"AB A]  0 @!AB A\  T @"AB A]  x @AB AZ  @"AB A]  @ AB H  @AG K  @AG N ( @CAB CyAAA  L @%AB A` (p @WAB CMAAA ( @wAB CmAAA ( AAB CAAA  A4AB p ( AAB CAAA ,@ AB}LB BFcAAA p D AB H  zD+AB g , DAB AMAAA , LAB ACCAAA  LAB D 0 LAB V P L#AB _ ,p L'KB CAAA ( OAB CAAA ( CPHAB C~AAA ( _PZAB CPAAA ($PWAB CMAAA PP(dPAB CAAA /QQ,QAB ACCAAA ,Q AB BCAAA ,[RmAB BCaAAA ,HR5 AB C+ AAA (x[AG CAAA (7\zAG CkAAA ,\fAB BCZAAA ,\AB BCxAAA ,0]OAB ACCAAAA  `.]-AB Ah  7]-AB Ah  @]cAB A^  ]cAB A^ (]AB CAAA ,=^,AD B[ A E BA (L9^AB CAAA x^/AB k ,^ZKB BFAAAA ^%_AD S ,^AB BCAAA ,,_;KB F$AAA \`>p`$`7AD BmAA (`AB C}AAA  5a$AB B]A ,5aAB CAAA ,,bAD CAAA (\cAB CAAA (Cd AB CAAA ( egAB FZAAA ([egAB FZAAA ( egAB FZAAA ,8eAB CAAA ,h}gAB BCAAA ,AhzAB CpAAA (iAB CAAA ,jXAB CNAAA ($:pAB CAAA (PpAB CAAA |fq%AM V kq*AG a $uqIAB BAAA $qAB BAA ( $rAB CAAA ,8rAB CwAAA (hBvAB CAAA ,vAB CAAA  8yAB A{ y"AB U (yAB CAAA  4gzAAB A|  XzAB A  |{%AB A`  {yAB Bs  e{"AB A] (c{EAB C{AAA $|{AB BAA (<{EAB C{AAA $h |AB BzAA (g|AG CAAA ,}AD CDAAA ,}AB CAAA FgAB c (<AB AC~AA ,hAB ACCAAA  HyAB At ,VAB ACCHAAA $À*AB AC`AA ,ŀAB ACCyCAA 8DAB BC CAA E UAAA ,AB AGAAA ,aAB BCAAA ʅ&AB b ,ЅAB BFAAA ,0AB ACFAAA `rAG F ,dAB CAAA ؋MAB I ,KAB CAAAA ( AB CAAA ,ߍ"@#$T:AB EoAA (|IAB BFzAAA  +"AB A]  )AB AY  #;AB AuA :AB J  4(!AB BZA X%MAM ~ (xRfAB FYAAA (AE FAAA  FCAB D{ e AD X e!AD Y  4f3AB AmA  Xu2AB AlA |AB K r AB D ]AB D OAB D CAB G  45AB Ap @EAB T  `="AB A] ; AB D & AB D (AB CAAA h7AA AAC0e AA AAP M AA AAO B AA AAJ \ kAB Akpkk"TTk"TTTT} 0 lpoT @ Hx)((PooH'oo%o<60F0V0f0v00000000011&161F1V1f1v11111111122&262F2V2f2v22222222233&363F3V3f3v33333333344&464F4V4f4v44444444455&565F5V5f5v55555555566&666F6V6f6v66666666677&767F7V7f7v77777777788&868F8V8f8v88888888899&969F9V9f9v999999999::&:6:F:V:f:v:::::::::;;&;6;F;V;f;v;;;;;;;;;<<&<6<F<V<f<v<<<<<D4#z5$g{r=[@r9GCC: (GNU) 13.2.0.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.comment (& 84o >  FTT@No%%[oH'H'j ((((Ps Bx)x)H|00 w 0 0 <<<<  := <]<]cc llpptt  @0@@ ē 0ē֓