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Syntax error in mke2fs config file (%s, line #%d) %s -w -s badblocks -b %d -X %s%s%s %lluRunning command: %s while trying to run '%s'popenwhile processing list of bad blocks from programext2fs_read_bb_FILEOut of memory erasing sectors %d-%d Warning: could not read block 0: %s Warning: could not erase sector %d: %s GNUhurdunamefs_typesInvalid filesystem option set: %s Couldn't allocate memory to parse options! desc-sizedesc_size%s requires '-O 64bit' '%s' must be before 'resize=%u' Invalid desc_size: '%s' hash_seedInvalid hash seed: %s offsetInvalid offset: %s mmp_update_intervalInvalid mmp_update_interval: %s no_copy_xattrsnum_backup_sbInvalid # of backup superblocks: %s packed_meta_blocksstrideInvalid stride parameter: %s stripe-widthstripe_widthInvalid stripe-width parameter: %s Invalid resize parameter: %s The resize maximum must be greater than the filesystem size. On-line resizing not supported with revision 0 filesystems test_fsassume_storage_prezeroedlazy_journal_initroot_ownerInvalid root_owner: '%s' nodiscardquotatypeFailed to parse quota type at %swhile parsing quota typeandroid_sparseencodingInvalid encoding: %sencoding_flagsorphan_file_sizeInvalid size of orphan file %s Bad option(s) specified: %s Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid extended options are: mmp_update_interval= num_backup_sb=<0|1|2> stride= stripe-width= offset= resize= packed_meta_blocks=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> lazy_itable_init=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> lazy_journal_init=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> root_owner=: test_fs discard nodiscard encoding= encoding_flags= quotatype= assume_storage_prezeroed=<0 to disable, 1 to enable> Warning: RAID stripe-width %u not an even multiple of stride %u. error: Invalid encoding flag: %s error: An encoding must be explicitly specified when passing encoding-flags Block %d in primary superblock/group descriptor area bad. Blocks %u through %u must be good in order to build a filesystem. Aborting.... Warning: the backup superblock/group descriptors at block %u contain bad blocks. while marking bad blocks as usedext2fs_badblocks_list_iterate_begindefaultsforce_undoext2ext4floppysmalldefaultbighugePATHCouldn't allocate memory for new PATH. PATH=/sbinMKE2FS_CONFIGCouldn't init profile successfully (error: %ld). mkfs.ext3mke3fsinvalid block size - %sWarning: blocksize %d not usable on most systems. invalid cluster size - %s'-R' is deprecated, use '-E' insteadcontinueremount-ropanicbad error behavior - %sIllegal number for blocks per groupblocks per group must be multiple of 8Illegal number for flex_bg sizeflex_bg size must be a power of 2invalid inode ratio %s (min %d/max %d)invalid inode size - %sWarning: -K option is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use '-E nodiscard' extended option instead! in malloc for bad_blocks_filenameWarning: label too long; will be truncated to '%s' invalid reserved blocks percent - %sbad num inodes - %swhile allocating fs_feature stringbad revision level - %swhile trying to create revision %dThe -t option may only be used onceThe -T option may only be used onceb:cd:e:g:i:jl:m:no:qr:s:t:vC:DE:FG:I:J:KL:M:N:O:R:ST:U:Vz:5-Feb-20231.47.0mke2fs %s (%s) Using %s TEST_IO_FLAGSTEST_IO_BLOCKwhile trying to open journal device %s Journal dev blocksize (%d) smaller than minimum blocksize %d Using journal device's blocksize: %d invalid blocks '%s' on device '%s'sync_kludgeoptionsMKE2FS_SYNCproceed_delayThe file %s does not exist and no size was specified. Creating regular file %s while trying to determine filesystem sizeCouldn't determine device size; you must specify the size of the filesystem Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to a modified partition being busy and in use. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table. Filesystem larger than apparent device size.fs_typedevicesusage_typescreator_osmke4fsmkfs. Your mke2fs.conf file does not define the %s filesystem type. ext4devYou probably need to install an updated mke2fs.conf file. Aborting... Warning: the fs_type %s is not defined in mke2fs.conf Failed to parse fs types list sparse_super,large_file,filetype,resize_inode,dir_indexbase_featuresacl,user_xattrdefault_mntoptsInvalid mount option set: %s default_featuresThe HURD does not support the filetype feature. The HURD does not support the huge_file feature. The HURD does not support the metadata_csum feature. The HURD does not support the ea_inode feature. while trying to determine hardware sector sizewhile trying to determine physical sector sizeMKE2FS_DEVICE_SECTSIZEMKE2FS_DEVICE_PHYS_SECTSIZEblocksizewhile setting blocksize; too small for device Warning: specified blocksize %d is less than device physical sectorsize %d auto_64-bit_support%s: Size of device (0x%llx blocks) %s too big to be expressed in 32 bits using a blocksize of %d. %s: Size of device (0x%llx blocks) %s too big to create a filesystem using a blocksize of %d. fs_types for mke2fs.conf resolution: , Filesystem features not supported with revision 0 filesystems Sparse superblocks not supported with revision 0 filesystems Journals not supported with revision 0 filesystems reserved_ratioinvalid reserved blocks percent - %lfExtents MUST be enabled for a 64-bit filesystem. Pass -O extents to rectify. MKE2FS_FIRST_META_BGcluster_sizeThe cluster size may not be smaller than the block size. specifying a cluster size requires the bigalloc featureinode_ratiowarning: Unable to get device geometry for %s %s alignment is offset by %lu bytes. This may result in very poor performance, (re)-partitioning suggested. %s is capable of DAX but current block size %u is different from system page size %u so filesystem will not support DAX. %d-byte blocks too big for system (max %d)Warning: %d-byte blocks too big for system (max %d), forced to continue Suggestion: Use Linux kernel >= 3.18 for improved stability of the metadata and journal checksum features. /sys/fs/ext4/features/lazy_itable_initjournal_locationutf8Unknown filename encoding from profile: %sUnknown encoding flags from profile: %s Warning: offset specified without an explicit file system size. Creating a file system with %llu blocks but this might not be what you want. %d byte inodes are too small for project quotainode_sizeCan't support bigalloc feature without extents featureThe resize_inode and meta_bg features are not compatible. They can not be both enabled simultaneously. Warning: bigalloc file systems with a cluster size greater than 16 times the block size is considered experimental reserved online resize blocks not supported on non-sparse filesystemblocks per group count out of rangeflex_bg_sizeFlex_bg feature not enabled, so flex_bg size may not be specifiedinvalid inode size %d (min %d/max %d)%d byte inodes are too small for inline data; specify larger sizewarn_y2038_dates128-byte inodes cannot handle dates beyond 2038 and are deprecated too many inodes (%llu), raise inode ratio?inode_size (%u) * inodes_count (%u) too big for a filesystem with %llu blocks, specify higher inode_ratio (-i) or lower inode count (-N). /usr/share/localeOverwriting existing filesystem; this can be undone using the command: e2undo %s %s E2FSPROGS_UNDO_DIR/var/lib/e2fsprogsundo_dirnone%s/mke2fs-%s.e2undowhile trying to delete %swhile trying to setup undo file old_bitmapsin malloc for android_sparse_params(%s):%u:%uwhile setting up superblockerrorsbad error behavior in profile - %sExtents are not enabled. The file extent tree can be checksummed, whereas block maps cannot. Not enabling extents reduces the coverage of metadata checksumming. Pass -O extents to rectify. 64-bit filesystem support is not enabled. The larger fields afforded by this feature enable full-strength checksumming. Pass -O 64bit to rectify. The metadata_csum_seed feature requires the metadata_csum feature. tdb_data_size=%doffset=%lluAssuming the storage device is prezeroed - skipping inode table and journal wipe Discarding device blocks: Discard succeeded and will return 0s - skipping inode table wipe nullcleartimerandomcould not parse UUID: %s half_md4hash_algenable_periodic_fscklinuxfreebsdlitesunknown os - %sCreating filesystem with %llu %dk blocks and %u inodes warning: %llu blocks unused. Filesystem label=%.*s OS type: %s Block size=%u (log=%u) Cluster size=%u (log=%u) Fragment size=%u (log=%u) Stride=%u blocks, Stripe width=%u blocks %u inodes, %llu blocks %llu blocks (%2.2f%%) reserved for the super user First data block=%u Root directory owner=%u:%u Maximum filesystem blocks=%lu %u block groups %u block group %u blocks per group, %u clusters per group %u blocks per group, %u fragments per group %u inodes per group Filesystem UUID: %s Superblock backups stored on blocks: while splitting the journal sizecreate_journal_devwhile initializing journal superblockZeroing journal device: while zeroing journal device (block %llu, count %d)while writing journal superblockwhile trying to open %sread_bad_blocks_filewhile reading in list of bad blocks from fileAllocating group tables: while trying to allocate filesystem tablesdone while unmarking bad blocks while converting subcluster bitmapwhile calculating overhead%s may be further corrupted by superblock rewrite while zeroing block %llu at end of filesystemWriting inode tables: Could not write %d blocks in inode table starting at %llu: %s while allocating memoryinode_initwhile writing reserved inodesext2fs_write_inode_fullwhile creating root dirext2fs_mkdirwhile reading root inodeext2fs_read_inodewhile setting root inode ownershipext2fs_write_inodewhile creating /lost+foundwhile looking up /lost+foundext2_lookupwhile expanding /lost+foundext2fs_expand_dirwhile setting bad block inodeext2fs_update_bb_inodewhile reserving blocks for online resizeext2fs_create_resize_inodeAdding journal to device %s: while trying to add journal to device %sdone Skipping journal creation in super-only mode Creating journal (%u blocks): while trying to create journal Error while enabling multiple mount protection feature.Multiple mount protection is enabled with update interval %d seconds. while initializing quota contextwhile writing quota inodescannot set orphan_file feature without a journal.while creating orphan filewhile creating huge filesCopying files into the device: while populating file systemWriting superblocks and filesystem accounting information: while writing out and closing file systemdone MKE2FS_SKIP_CHECK_MSGfailed - /etc/mke2fs.confmke2fsyY Proceed anyway (or wait %d seconds to proceed) ? (y,N) Proceed anyway? (y,N) nNwhile determining whether %s is mounted.ext2fs_check_if_mount%s is mounted; mke2fs forced anyway. Hope /etc/mtab is incorrect. will not make a %s here! %s is apparently in use by the system; mke2fs forced anyway. Couldn't allocate memory to parse journal options! device Could not find journal device matching %s fast_commit_sizev1_superblock Bad journal options specified. Journal options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid journal options are: size= device= location= The journal size must be between 1024 and 10240000 filesystem blocks. Filesystem too small for a journal The total requested journal size is %d blocks; it must be between 1024 and 10240000 blocks. Aborting. Total journal size too big for filesystem. This filesystem will be automatically checked every %d mounts or %g days, whichever comes first. Use tune2fs -c or -i to override. MMP check failed: %s MMP error info: node: %.*s, device: %.*s, updated: %s[defaults] base_features = sparse_super,large_file,filetype,resize_inode,dir_index,ext_attr default_mntopts = acl,user_xattr enable_periodic_fsck = 0 blocksize = 4096 inode_size = 256 inode_ratio = 16384 [fs_types] ext3 = { features = has_journal } ext4 = { features = has_journal,extent,huge_file,flex_bg,metadata_csum,metadata_csum_seed,64bit,dir_nlink,extra_isize,orphan_file } small = { blocksize = 1024 inode_ratio = 4096 } floppy = { blocksize = 1024 inode_ratio = 8192 } big = { inode_ratio = 32768 } huge = { inode_ratio = 65536 } news = { inode_ratio = 4096 } largefile = { inode_ratio = 1048576 blocksize = -1 } largefile4 = { inode_ratio = 4194304 blocksize = -1 } hurd = { blocksize = 4096 inode_size = 128 warn_y2038_dates = 0 } make_hugefileshugefiles_uidhugefiles_gidhugefiles_umasknum_hugefiles1Mhugefiles_slackhugefiles_sizehugefiles_alignhugefiles_align_disk/sys/dev/block/%d:%d/startPartition offset of %llu (%uk) blocks not compatible with cluster size %u. zero_hugefiles/hugefiles_dirhugefiles_namehugefiles_digitsHuge files will be zero'ed Creating %lu huge file(s) with %llu blocks eachwhile zeroing block %llu for hugefile%0*luwhile creating huge file %luwhile listing attributes of "%s"while opening inode %uwhile reading xattrs for inode %uwhile reading attribute "%s" of "%s"while writing attribute "%s" to inode %uwhile closing inode %uwhile allocating inode "%s"while expanding directorywhile creating inode "%s"Warning: inode already setwhile writing inode %udo_symlink_internalwhile creating symlink "%s"ext2fs_symlinkwhile looking up "%s"while creating directory "%s"while opening "%s" to copywhile changing working directory to "%s"while scanning directory "%s"..while lstat "%s"while reading inode %uwhile linking "%s"while linking %swhile appending %swhile creating special file "%s"malloc failedwhile trying to read link "%s"symlink increased in size between lstat() and readlink()while writing symlink"%s"while writing file "%s"while making dir "%s"while changing directoryignoring entry "%s"while setting inode for "%s"while setting xattrs for "%s"while saving inode dataFilesystem opened readonlywhile copying xattrs on root directory../../../lib/support/mkquota.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate dquot [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID %u:actual (%lld, %lld) != expected (%lld, %lld) [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot close quotafile: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while opening inode scan. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while getting next inode. ret=%ld [QUOTA WARNING] Missing quota entry ID %d Couldn't allocate memory to parse quota options! Could not open %s: %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? stat%s is not a block special device. LABEL%s contains a %s file system labelled '%s' %s contains a %s file system last mounted on %.*s on %s last mounted on %s created on %s last modified on %sE2FSPROGS_LIBMAGIC_SUPPRESSlibmagic.so.1magic_openmagic_filemagic_loadmagic_closeempty%s contains `%s' data PTTYPEFound a %s partition table in %s (root)HOME%s/%snofalseniloffyestrue:,usrusrquotagrpgrpquotaprjprjquotaProfile version 0.0Bad magic value in profile_nodeProfile section not foundProfile relation not foundAttempt to add a relation to node which is not a sectionA profile section header has a non-zero valueBad linked list in profile structuresBad group level in profile structuresBad parent pointer in profile structuresBad magic value in profile iteratorCan't set value on section nodeInvalid argument passed to profile libraryAttempt to modify read-only profileProfile section header not at top levelSyntax error in profile section headerSyntax error in profile relationExtra closing brace in profileMissing open brace in profileBad magic value in profile_tBad magic value in profile_section_tIteration through all top level section not supportedInvalid profile_section objectNo more sectionsBad nameset passed to query routineNo profile file openBad magic value in profile_file_tCouldn't open profile fileSection already existsInvalid boolean valueInvalid integer valueBad magic value in profile_file_data_t../../../lib/support/quotaio.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_llseek failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_read failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_write failed: %ld unknown%s.%s[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ex2fs_read_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_write_new_inode failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: init_new_quota_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->new_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate quota handle [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->check_file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->init_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dquot aquotauserproject../../../lib/support/quotaio_v2.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Not Implemented. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Your quota file is stored in wrong endianness [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: file size %llu; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_blk %u; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_entry %u; dqi_blocks %u ../../../lib/support/quotaio_tree.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write block (%u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read block %u: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dqbuf [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Illegal reference (%u >= %u) in %s quota file [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota for id %u referenced but not present. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot allocate new quota block (out of disk space). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota structure has offset to other block (%u) than it should (%u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Inserting already present quota entry (block %u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: find_free_dqentry(): Data block full unexpectedly. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota write failed (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write quota (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read quota structure for id %u: %s Collision found: '%s' refers to both '%s' and a file '%s'. Using '%s'! ÷Qwy%.ݻUyy((Jyyyyyyyyyyy϶dyy׹dyֺ}By Ľy;yyyPset_inode_extraadd_link__populate_fsset_inode_xattrpopulate_fs2do_write_internaldo_mkdir_internaldo_mknod_internalquota_compute_usageget_dqquota_release_contextget_empty_dquotquota_inode_init_newquota_file_createquota_write_nomountquota_read_nomountquota_file_openv2_check_filev2_init_iov2_reportcheck_referencefind_block_dqentryqtree_read_dquotfree_dqentrywrite_blkfind_free_dqentryread_blkget_free_dqblkgetdqbufdo_insert_treedq_insert_treeqtree_write_dquot;x,< l(<y\/ yDt ,)Te[ z   N  P 7   ! ) '0H 0\ #2 @5 "8 O9 }:L B| M N O -O FO0 P` CQ Q Q Q XR |R0S`;UVWWW@TXl0Z$[\Q](cXcldAddd e8eLSete(fgj,l\Dmmqyss87tdstv)wwx<yhbzO{E|I|M|L~D~l~Rw$Ltl,Pp L ,P|gG$"Tґ9=ŒT͓8#hM֕,\D|6FX,IL|ģG$iHl¤Ф> LͦpAs8Xxħ3 > I@ l !:!zR| ,zR|  ԌF J tx?;*2$"@0TEAB B t>AB Ay QAB B,xAB BClAAA ,]>AD ACC.AAA ,kyAB ACCkAAA $HxAB BpAA ,pYAB COAAA ,-AB BCAAA $hAB B`AA , AB BC AAA ,(8AB ADAAA ,XHAB BC<AAA $:AB ACpAA ,AB BCAAA (KAB CAAA , AB BCAAA (<sAB CAAA ,h-AD AD-AAA @7+D IuAu|Eupuxut+ AAAAC  AB A$ 0AB BhAA (  KB HlAA ,LV ;AB C1AAA ,|a eAB C[AAA ,IAB C?AAA (_AB CUAAA $AB BAA 0A,D1AB ACCAAA ,t AB CAAA $e,(%AB CAAA ,&AB BCAAA ,|)AB CAAA ,H.,-AB C#AAA ,x+-.AB C$AAA ,).nKB ITAAA ,g6 AB AD AAA ,@OAB CEAAA 8 BAB W XB%lBAD S ,BAB BCAAA ,B;KB F$AAA C>C$C7AD BmAA (<CAB C}AAA  hDD$AB B]A ,DDAB CAAA ,.EAD CAAA (FAB CAAA ( RG AB CAAA (D /HgAB FZAAA (p jHgAB FZAAA ( HgAB FZAAA , HAB CAAA , JAB BCAAA ,( PKzAB CpAAA (X LAB CAAA , !MXAB CNAAA  IS PSTRB A}A  S)AB Ad ( S?AB BCsAAA $< S<AB ACrAA ,d SQAB BCEAAA  S $ S;AB ACqAA ( SGAB C}AAA ( SAB CAAA ,( TTAB BCAAA ,X TLB ACFAAA , zXmAB BCaAAA , Y)AB BCAAA ( ZLAB CBAAA , Z*KB AM AAA ,D ^AB CAAA t Y` KB D ( Y`AL CAAA $ `<AB BtAA , `-AB AGAAA $bAB E~AA (@=cAB CAAA (lcAB CAAA ({dAB CAAA (#eAB CAAA (eAL FAAA (fAB IAAA HQg\Ag,p1gAB BCAAA $ibAB BZAA :i KB R (:iAB CAAA (iAB CAAA @fj%AM V `kj*AG a $ujIAB BAAA $jAB BAA ($kAB CAAA ,kAB CwAAA (,BoAB CAAA ,XoAB CAAA  8rAB A{ r"AB U (rAB CAAA  gsAAB A|  sAB A  @t%AB A`  dtyAB Bs  et"AB A] (ctEAB C{AAA $|tAB BAA (tEAB C{AAA $, uAB BzAA (TguAG CAAA ,vAD CDAAA ,vAB CAAA FxgAB c x(}xAB AC~AA ,@xAB ACCAAA  p8yyAB At ,yVAB ACCHAAA $y*AB AC`AA ,yAB ACCyCAA 8{AB BC CAA E UAAA ,X{AB AGAAA ,Q|AB BCAAA ~&AB b ,~AB BFAAA ,AB ACFAAA 8bAG F ,XTAB CAAA ȄMAB I ,KAB CAAAA (AB CAAA φ"݆#$,:AB EoAA (TIAB BFzAAA  "AB A]  AB AY  ;AB AuA *AB J  !AB BZA 0MAM ~ (PBfAB FYAAA (||AE FAAA  6CAB D{ U AD X U!AD Y  V3AB AmA  0e2AB AlA TsAB K tb AB D MAB D ?AB D 3AB G  $5AB Ap 5AB T  8-"AB A] \+ AB D | AB D (AB CAAA <AA AAC0 AA AAH h7AA AAC0e AA AAP M AA AAO B AA AAJ t̊NAA AAC0e AA AAP K AA AAA ] AA AAO  AA AAB AB A {zI,qBl{`ʪ7Kkٟ-S|7^١4Sdڢ|ҥҥ٥{mޥZiy @ Zx|o < I 8P0`-oo@,ooF*oKN6@F@V@f@v@@@@@@@@@AA&A6AFAVAfAvAAAAAAAAABB&B6BFBVBfBvBBBBBBBBBCC&C6CFCVCfCvCCCCCCCCCDD&D6DFDVDfDvDDDDDDDDDEE&E6EFEVEfEvEEEEEEEEEFF&F6FFFVFfFvFFFFFFFFFGG&G6GFGVGfGvGGGGGGGGGHH&H6HFHVHfHvHHHHHHHHHII&I6IFIVIfIvIIIIIIIIIJJ&J6JFJVJfJvJJJJJJJJJKK&K6KFKVKfKvKKKKKKKKKLL&L6LFLVLfLvLLLLLLLLLMM&M6MFMVMfMvMMMMMMMMMNN&N6NFNVNfNvNNN<{ȍٍ}:;?:i;<$;8=7V?:998GCC: (GNU) 13.2.0.shstrtab.interp.note.gnu.property.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.comment (& 8 4o  > < < FINoF*F*[o@,@, j `-`-s BP0P08|@@ w @ @NNNN# ZZ``M|@xx||  T `D 0DV