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E2FSCK_FORCE_INTERACTIVEError validating file descriptor %d: %s Invalid completion information file descriptorOnly one of the options -p/-a, -n or -y may be specified.Unable to resolve '%s'panyrcC:B:dE:fvtFVM:b:I:j:P:l:L:N:SsDkz:The -n and -D options are incompatible.The -n and -c options are incompatible.The -n and -l/-L options are incompatible.ea_verInvalid EA version. readahead_kbInvalid readahead buffer size. fragcheckjournal_onlynodiscardno_optimize_extentsno_inode_count_fullmapproblem_logbmap2extentfixes_onlyunshare_blockscheck_encodingUnknown extended option: %s Extended options are separated by commas, and may take an argument which is set off by an equals ('=') sign. Valid extended options are: ea_ver= fragcheck journal_only discard nodiscard optimize_extents no_optimize_extents inode_count_fullmap no_inode_count_fullmap readahead_kb= bmap2extent unshare_blocks fixes_only check_encoding E2FSCK_FIXES_ONLYThe -D and -E fixes_only options are incompatible.The -E bmap2extent and fixes_only options are incompatible.E2FSCK_CONFIGreport_timereport_verbosereadahead_mem_pctwhile opening %s for flushingwhile trying to flush %sext2fs_sync_deviceThe -c and the -l/-L options may not be both used at the same time. PATHCouldn't malloc() newpathPATH=/sbin Invalid non-numeric argument to -%c ("%s") while trying to initialize program/dev/nullERROR: Couldn't open /dev/null (%s) E2fsck run: release_orphan_inodeTruncatingClearingwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate for inode %urelease_inode_blockswhile calling ext2fs_adjust_ea_refcount2 for inode %udelete_fileorphan block bufferorphan inodewhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate for inode %dreinit_orphan_blockwhile reading blocks of inode %dprocess_orphan_blockclear_resizeresize dind bufferinvalid_inode_bitmapinvalid_block_bitmapinvalid_inode_tableinodes_countfirst_data_blocklog_block_sizelog_cluster_sizeclusters_per_groupblocks_per_groupinodes_per_groupr_blocks_countreserved_gdt_blocksdesc_sizefirst_inoinode_sizeclear_test_fs_flagext4block iterate bufferwhile reading inode %dprocess_orphan_fileaccept_time_fudgebuggy_init_scriptspass1multiply claimed block mapblock_dup_mapwhile hashing entry with e_value_inum = %ucheck_large_ea_inodeext2fs_extent_get_infoext2fs_extent_fix_parentsext2fs_extent_deleteEXT2_EXTENT_DOWNEXT2_EXTENT_UP%6lu(%c): expecting %6lu actual extent phys %6lu log %lu len %lu system.databad inode mapinode_bad_map%6lu(%c): expecting %6lu got phys %6lu (blkcnt %lld) scratch_filesnumdirs_thresholdicountext attr block mapblock_ea_mapcheck_ext_attrcheck_blocks_extentscheck_blocksreading indirect blocks of inode %ugetting next inode from scanin-use inode mapinode_used_mapdirectory inode mapinode_dir_mapregular file inode mapinode_reg_mapin-use block mapblock_found_mapmetadata block mapblock_metadata_mapinode casefold mapinode_casefold_mapinode_link_infoscratch inodearray of inodes to processopening inode scaninode in bad block mapinode_bb_mapclear bad inodeimagic inode mapinode_imagic_mapreading directory blockcheck_is_really_dirblock bitmapinode bitmapinode tablePass 1recreate inodeduplicate cluster headerinode elementduplicate inode headercluster elementinternal error: can't find dup_blk for %llu delete_file_blockmultiply claimed inode mapinode_dup_mappass1bPass 1bPass 1cShared inode listclone_filereturned from clone_file_blockclone file EAinternal error: couldn't lookup EA block record for %lluinternal error: couldn't lookup EA inode record for %uPass 1dclear_htreeinode_countdirectory scan bufferPass 2process_bad_inodedeallocate_inodeallocate_dir_blockext2fs_new_blockext2fs_new_dir_blockext2fs_write_dir_blockext2fs_inode_size_setext2fs_block_iterateCan not continue.check_filetypecheck_encryption_policyNLS is broken.ext2fs_unlinkext2fs_write_inodeext2fs_linkexpand_directory#%uinode done bitmapinode_done_mapPeak memoryext2fs_write_dir_block4inode loop detection bitmapinode_loop_detectPass 3pass4: check_ea_inodepass4bad_inode bufferdisconnect_inodePass 4PROGRAMMING ERROR: Got start %d outside of group %d! Disabling discard actual bitmap bufferbitmap block bufferfree block count arrayfree inode count arraydirectory count arraycheck_inode_bitmap_checksum: Memory allocation errorcheck_block_bitmap_checksum: Memory allocation errorPass 5Error "%s" encountered in function %s at line %d *** journal has been deleted *** while reading block %llu while writing block %llu reading journal superblock %s: no valid journal superblock found %s: journal too short %s: incorrect fast commit blocks kdevjournal inodeUUID%s: recovering journal %s: won't do journal recovery while read-only while trying to re-open %s.journal.journal.datBad block %u out of range; ignored. Warning: illegal block %u found in bad block inode. Cleared. -n -s while sanity checking the bad blocks inodewhile reading the bad blocks inodeext2fs_read_bb_inoderead_bad_blocks_filebadblocks -b %d -X %s%s%s %lluwhile trying popen '%s'while reading in list of bad blocks from fileext2fs_read_bb_FILE%s: Updating bad block inode. while updating bad block inodeext2fs_update_bb_inodee2fsck: %s e2fsck: io manager magic bad! Can't allocate %lu bytes for %s yYnNaA ('a' enables 'yes' to all) (y/n)%s%s%s? cancelled! yes to all yes no %s? no %s? yes yes%s? %s writing block and inode bitmapswhile rewriting block and inode bitmaps for %s %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. (i.e., without -a or -p options) Memory used: %lluk/%lluk (%lluk/%lluk), time: %5.2f/%5.2f/%5.2f I/O read: %lluMB, write: %lluMB, rate: %.2fMB/s while reading inode %lu in %sext2fs_read_inodeext2fs_read_inode_fullwhile writing inode %lu in %s/proc/filesystems/lib/modules/%s/modules.dep.koMMP check failed: MMP_block: mmp_magic: 0x%x mmp_check_interval: %d mmp_sequence: %08x mmp_update_date: %s mmp_update_time: %lld mmp_node_name: %.*s mmp_device_name: %.*s UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: the filesystem is being modified while fsck is running. alle2fsck_read_bitmaps: illegal bitmap block(s) for %sreading inode and block bitmapsfs_bitmapswhile retrying to read bitmaps for %sstore failed: %s directory map dbdirinfo%s/%s-dirinfo-XXXXXXdirectory mapCouldn't reallocate dir_info structure to %u entries while freeing dir_info tdb filee2fsck_free_dir_infodir_info iteratoriter fetch failed: %s Couldn't reallocate dx_dir_info structure to %u entries dx_block info arrayError writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). Ignore errorError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Error reading block %lu (%s). Force rewriteUnhandled error code (0x%x)! 0x%06xdescriptionpreen_okno_okno_defaultprint_message_onlypreen_nomessageno_collateno_nomsgpreen_noheaderforce_nonot_a_fixmax_count_problemsmax_count ...problem 0x%06x suppressed IGNORED%s.

or e2fsck -b 32768 <@v> The @f size (according to the @S) is %b @bs The physical size of the @v is %c @bs Either the @S or the partition table is likely to be corrupt! @S @b_size = %b, fragsize = %c. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the @b size. @S @bs_per_group = %b, should have been %c @S first_data_@b = %b, should have been %c @f did not have a UUID; generating one. Note: if several inode or block bitmap blocks or part of the inode table require relocation, you may wish to try running e2fsck with the '-b %S' option first. The problem may lie only with the primary block group descriptors, and the backup block group descriptors may be OK. Corruption found in @S. (%s = %N). Error determining size of the physical @v: %m @i count in @S is %i, @s %j. The Hurd does not support the filetype feature. @S has an @n @j (@i %i). External @j has multiple @f users (unsupported). Can't find external @j External @j has bad @S External @j does not support this @f @f @j @S is unknown type %N (unsupported). It is likely that your copy of e2fsck is old and/or doesn't support this @j format. It is also possible the @j @S is corrupt. @S has_@j flag is clear, but a @j is present. @S needs_recovery flag is set, but no @j is present. @S needs_recovery flag is clear, but @j has data. Clear @j@f has feature flag(s) set, but is a revision 0 @f. %s @o @i %i (uid=%Iu, gid=%Ig, mode=%Im, size=%Is) @I %B (%b) found in @o @i %i. Already cleared %B (%b) found in @o @i %i. @I @o @i %i in @S. @I @i %i in @o @i list. @j @S has an unknown read-only feature flag set. @j @S has an unknown incompatible feature flag set. @j version not supported by this e2fsck. Moving @j from /%s to hidden @i. Error moving @j: %m Found @n V2 @j @S fields (from V1 @j). Clearing fields beyond the V1 @j @S... Run @j anywayRecovery flag not set in backup @S, so running @j anyway. Backing up @j @i @b information. @f does not have resize_@i enabled, but s_reserved_gdt_@bs is %N; @s zero. Resize_@i not enabled, but the resize @i is non-zero. Resize @i not valid. @S last mount time (%t, now = %T) is in the future. @S last write time (%t, now = %T) is in the future. @S hint for external superblock @s %X. Adding dirhash hint to @f. @g descriptor %g checksum is %04x, should be %04y. @g descriptor %g marked uninitialized without feature set. @g descriptor %g has invalid unused inodes count %b. Last @g @b @B uninitialized. Journal transaction %i was corrupt, replay was aborted. The test_fs flag is set (and ext4 is available). @S last mount time is in the future. (by less than a day, probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set) @S last write time is in the future. (by less than a day, probably due to the hardware clock being incorrectly set) One or more @b @g descriptor checksums are invalid. Setting free @is count to %j (was %i) Setting free @bs count to %c (was %b) Hiding %U @q @i %i (%Q). @S has invalid MMP block. @S has invalid MMP magic. ext2fs_open2: %m ext2fs_check_desc: %m @S metadata_csum supersedes uninit_bg; both feature bits cannot be set simultaneously.@S MMP @b checksum does not match. @S 64bit @f needs extents to access the whole disk. First_meta_bg is too big. (%N, max value %g). External @j @S checksum does not match @S. @S metadata_csum_seed is not necessary without metadata_csum.Error initializing quota context in support library: %m Bad required extra isize in @S (%N). Bad desired extra isize in @S (%N). Invalid %U @q @i %i. @S would have too many inodes (%N). Resize_@i and meta_bg features are enabled. Those features are not compatible. Resize @i should be disabled. Orphan file (@i %i) contains hole at @b %b. Terminating orphan file recovery. Orphan file (@i %i) @b %b contains wrong magic. Terminating orphan file recovery. Orphan file (@i %i) @b %b contains wrong checksum. Terminating orphan file recovery. Orphan file (@i %i) size is not multiple of block size. Terminating orphan file recovery. Pass 1: Checking @is, @bs, and sizes @r is not a @d. @r has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). Reserved @i %i (%Q) has @n mode. @D @i %i has zero dtime. @i %i is in use, but has dtime set. @i %i is a @z @d. @g %g's @b @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i @B at %b @C. @g %g's @i table at %b @C. @g %g's @b @B (%b) is bad. @g %g's @i @B (%b) is bad. @i %i, i_size is %Is, @s %N. @i %i, i_@bs is %Ib, @s %N. @I %B (%b) in @i %i. %B (%b) overlaps @f metadata in @i %i. @i %i has illegal @b(s). Too many illegal @bs in @i %i. @I %B (%b) in bad @b @i. Bad @b @i has illegal @b(s). Duplicate or bad @b in use! Bad @b %b used as bad @b @i indirect @b. The bad @b @i has probably been corrupted. You probably should stop now and run e2fsck -c to scan for bad blocks in the @f. If the @b is really bad, the @f can not be fixed. You can remove this @b from the bad @b list and hope that the @b is really OK. But there are no guarantees. The primary @S (%b) is on the bad @b list. Block %b in the primary @g descriptors is on the bad @b list Warning: Group %g's @S (%b) is bad. Warning: Group %g's copy of the @g descriptors has a bad @b (%b). Programming error? @b #%b claimed for no reason in process_bad_@b. @A %N contiguous @b(s) in @b @g %g for %s: %m @A @b buffer for relocating %s Relocating @g %g's %s from %b to %c... Relocating @g %g's %s to %c... Warning: could not read @b %b of %s: %m Warning: could not write @b %b for %s: %m @A @i @B (%N): %m @A @b @B (%N): %m @A icount link information: %m @A @d @b array: %m Error while scanning @is (%i): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i: %m Error storing @i count information (@i=%i, count=%N): %m Error storing @d @b information (@i=%i, @b=%b, num=%N): %m Error reading @i %i: %m @i %i has imagic flag set. Special (@v/socket/fifo/symlink) file (@i %i) has immutable or append-only flag set. Special (@v/socket/fifo) @i %i has non-zero size. @j @i is not in use, but contains data. @j is not regular file. @i %i was part of the @o @i list. @is that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found. @A refcount structure (%N): %m Error reading @a @b %b for @i %i. @i %i has a bad @a @b %b. Error reading @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has reference count %r, @s %N. Error writing @a @b %b (%m). @a @b %b has h_@bs > 1. @A @a region allocation structure. @a @b %b is corrupt (allocation collision). @a @b %b is corrupt (@n name). @a @b %b is corrupt (@n value). @i %i is too big. %B (%b) causes @d to be too big. %B (%b) causes file to be too big. %B (%b) causes symlink to be too big. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set on @f without htree support. @i %i has INDEX_FL flag set but is not a @d. @h %i has an @n root node. @h %i has an unsupported hash version (%N) @h %i uses an incompatible htree root node flag. @h %i has a tree depth (%N) which is too big Bad @b @i has an indirect @b (%b) that conflicts with @f metadata. Resize @i (re)creation failed: %m.@i %i has a extra size (%IS) which is @n @a in @i %i has a namelen (%N) which is @n @a in @i %i has a value offset (%N) which is @n @a in @i %i has a value @b (%N) which is @n (must be 0) @a in @i %i has a value size (%N) which is @n @a in @i %i has a hash (%N) which is @n @i %i is a %It but it looks like it is really a directory. Error while reading over @x tree in @i %i: %m Failed to iterate extents in @i %i (op %s, blk %b, lblk %c): %m @i %i has an @n extent (logical @b %c, @n physical @b %b, len %N) @i %i has an @n extent (logical @b %c, physical @b %b, @n len %N) @i %i has EXTENTS_FL flag set on @f without extents support. @i %i is in extent format, but @S is missing EXTENTS feature @i %i missing EXTENT_FL, but is in extents format Fast symlink %i has EXTENT_FL set. @i %i has out of order extents (@n logical @b %c, physical @b %b, len %N) @i %i has an invalid extent node (blk %b, lblk %c) Error converting subcluster @b @B: %m @q @i is not a regular file. @q @i is not in use, but contains data. @q @i is visible to the user. The bad @b @i looks @n. @i %i has zero length extent (@n logical @b %c, physical @b %b) @i %i seems to contain garbage. @i %i passes checks, but checksum does not match @i. @i %i @a is corrupt (allocation collision). @i %i extent block passes checks, but checksum does not match extent (logical @b %c, physical @b %b, len %N) @i %i @a @b %b passes checks, but checksum does not match @b. Interior @x node level %N of @i %i: Logical start %b does not match logical start %c at next level. @i %i, end of extent exceeds allowed value (logical @b %c, physical @b %b, len %N) @i %i has inline data, but @S is missing INLINE_DATA feature @i %i has INLINE_DATA_FL flag on @f without inline data support. @i %i block %b conflicts with critical metadata, skipping block checks. @d @i %i @b %b should be at @b %c. @d @i %i has @x marked uninitialized at @b %c. @i %i logical @b %b (physical @b %c) violates cluster allocation rules. Will fix in pass 1B. @i %i has INLINE_DATA_FL flag but @a not found. Special (@v/socket/fifo) file (@i %i) has extents or inline-data flag set. @i %i has @x header but inline data flag is set. @i %i seems to have inline data but @x flag is set. @i %i seems to have @b map but inline data and @x flags set. @i %i has inline data and @x flags set but i_block contains junk. Bad block list says the bad block list @i is bad. @A @x region allocation structure. @i %i has a duplicate @x mapping (logical @b %c, @n physical @b %b, len %N) @A %N bytes of memory for encrypted @i list @i %i @x tree could be more shallow (%b; could be <= %c) @i %i on bigalloc @f cannot be @b mapped. @i %i has corrupt @x header. Timestamp(s) on @i %i beyond 2310-04-04 are likely pre-1970. @i %i has @I @a value @i %N. @i %i has @n @a. EA @i %N missing EA_INODE flag. EA @i %N for parent @i %i missing EA_INODE flag. @i %i has @x marked uninitialized at @b %c (len %N). @i %i has the casefold flag set but is not a directory. @d %p has the casefold flag, but the casefold feature is not enabled. @i %i has encrypt flag but no encryption @a. Encrypted @i %i has corrupt encryption @a. @h %i uses hash version (%N), but should use SipHash (6) @h %i uses SipHash, but should not. Orphan file @i %i is not regular file. Orphan file @i %i is not in use, but contains data. Running additional passes to resolve @bs claimed by more than one @i... Pass 1B: Rescanning for @m @bs @m @b(s) in @i %i: %bError while scanning inodes (%i): %m @A @i @B (@i_dup_map): %m Error while iterating over @bs in @i %i (%s): %m Error adjusting refcount for @a @b %b (@i %i): %m %b--%cPass 1C: Scanning directories for @is with @m @bs Pass 1D: Reconciling @m @bs File %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) has %r @m @b(s), shared with %N file(s): %Q (@i #%i, mod time %IM) <@f metadata> (There are %N @is containing @m @bs.) @m @bs already reassigned or cloned. Couldn't clone file: %m Pass 1E: Optimizing @x trees Failed to optimize @x tree %p (%i): %m Optimizing @x trees: %iInternal error: max extent tree depth too large (%b; expected=%c). @i %i @x tree (at level %b) could be shorter. @i %i @x tree (at level %b) could be narrower. Pass 2: Checking @d structure @n @i number for '.' in @d @i %i. @E has @n @i #: %Di. @E has @D/unused @i %Di. @E @L to '.' @E points to @i (%Di) located in a bad @b. @E @L to @d %P (%Di). @E @L to the @r. @E has illegal characters in its name. Missing '.' in @d @i %i. Missing '..' in @d @i %i. First @e '%Dn' (@i=%Di) in @d @i %i (%p) @s '.' Second @e '%Dn' (@i=%Di) in @d @i %i @s '..' i_faddr @F %IF, @s zero. i_file_acl @F %If, @s zero. i_size_high @F %Id, @s zero. i_frag @F %N, @s zero. i_fsize @F %N, @s zero. @i %i (%Q) has @n mode (%Im). @d @i %i, %B, offset %N: @d corrupted @d @i %i, %B, offset %N: filename too long @d @i %i has an unallocated %B. '.' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated '..' @d @e in @d @i %i is not NULL terminated @i %i (%Q) is an @I character @v. @i %i (%Q) is an @I @b @v. @E is duplicate '.' @e. @E is duplicate '..' @e. Internal error: couldn't find dir_info for %i. @E has rec_len of %Dr, @s %N. @A icount structure: %m Error iterating over @d @bs: %m Error reading @d @b %b (@i %i): %m Error writing @d @b %b (@i %i): %m @A new @d @b for @i %i (%s): %m Error deallocating @i %i: %m @d @e for '.' in %p (%i) is big. @i %i (%Q) is an @I FIFO. @i %i (%Q) is an @I socket. Setting filetype for @E to %N. @E has an incorrect filetype (was %Dt, @s %N). @E has filetype set. @E has a @z name. Symlink %Q (@i #%i) is @n. @a @b @F @n (%If). @f contains large files, but lacks LARGE_FILE flag in @S. @p @h %d: %B not referenced @p @h %d: %B referenced twice @p @h %d: %B has bad min hash @p @h %d: %B has bad max hash @n @h %d (%q). @f has large directories, but lacks LARGE_DIR flag in @S. @p @h %d (%q): bad @b number %b. @p @h %d: root node is @n @p @h %d: %B has @n limit (%N) @p @h %d: %B has @n count (%N) @p @h %d: %B has an unordered hash table @p @h %d: %B has @n depth (%N) Duplicate @E found. @E has a non-unique filename. Rename to %sDuplicate @e '%Dn' found. Marking %p (%i) to be rebuilt. i_blocks_hi @F %N, @s zero. Unexpected @b in @h %d (%q). @E references @i %Di in @g %g where _INODE_UNINIT is set. @E references @i %Di found in @g %g's unused inodes area. i_file_acl_hi @F %N, @s zero. @p @h %d: root node fails checksum. @p @h %d: internal node fails checksum. @d @i %i, %B, offset %N: @d has no checksum. @d @i %i, %B: @d passes checks but fails checksum. Inline @d @i %i size (%N) must be a multiple of 4. Fixing size of inline @d @i %i failed. Encrypted @E is too short. Encrypted @E references unencrypted @i %Di. Encrypted @E references @i %Di, which has a different encryption policy. @E has illegal UTF-8 characters in its name. Duplicate filename @E found. Pass 3: Checking @d connectivity @r not allocated. No room in @l @d. Unconnected @d @i %i (was in %q) /@l not found. '..' in %Q (%i) is %P (%j), @s %q (%d). Bad or non-existent /@l. Cannot reconnect. Could not expand /@l: %m Could not reconnect %i: %m Error while trying to find /@l: %m ext2fs_new_@b: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_@i: %m while trying to create /@l @d ext2fs_new_dir_@b: %m while creating new @d @b ext2fs_write_dir_@b: %m while writing the @d @b for /@l Error while adjusting @i count on @i %i Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: %m Couldn't fix parent of @i %i: Couldn't find parent @d @e Error creating root @d (%s): %m Error creating /@l @d (%s): %m @r is not a @d; aborting. Cannot proceed without a @r. /@l is not a @d (ino=%i) /@l has inline data Cannot allocate space for /@l. Place lost files in root directory insteadInsufficient space to recover lost files! Move data off the @f and re-run e2fsck. /@l is encrypted Recursively looped @d @i %i (%p) Pass 3A: Optimizing directories Failed to create dirs_to_hash iterator: %m Failed to optimize directory %q (%d): %m Optimizing directories: Pass 4: Checking reference counts @u @z @i %i. @u @i %i @i %i ref count is %Il, @s %N. WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! OR SOME BONEHEAD (YOU) IS CHECKING A MOUNTED (LIVE) FILESYSTEM. @i_link_info[%i] is %N, @i.i_links_count is %Il. They @s the same! @a @i %i ref count is %N, @s %n. @d exceeds max links, but no DIR_NLINK feature in @S. @d @i %i ref count set to overflow but could be exact value %N. Pass 5: Checking @g summary information Padding at end of @i @B is not set. Padding at end of @b @B is not set. @b @B differences: -%b +%b@i @B differences: -%i +%iFree @is count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Directories count wrong for @g #%g (%i, counted=%j). Free @is count wrong (%i, counted=%j). Free @bs count wrong for @g #%g (%b, counted=%c). Free @bs count wrong (%b, counted=%c). PROGRAMMING ERROR: @f (#%N) @B endpoints (%b, %c) don't match calculated @B endpoints (%i, %j) Internal error: fudging end of bitmap (%N) Error copying in replacement @i @B: %m Error copying in replacement @b @B: %m -(%b--%c) +(%b--%c) -(%i--%j) +(%i--%j)@g %g @b(s) in use but @g is marked BLOCK_UNINIT @g %g @i(s) in use but @g is marked INODE_UNINIT @g %g @i @B does not match checksum. @g %g @b @B does not match checksum. Recreate @jUpdate quota info for quota type %NError setting @b @g checksum info: %m Error writing file system info: %m Error flushing writes to storage device: %m Error writing quota info for quota type %N: %m @S has orphan file without @j. Failed to truncate orphan file. Failed to initialize orphan file. Cannot fix corrupted orphan file with invalid bitmaps. Failed to truncate orphan file (@i %i). Orphan file (@i %i) @b %b is not clean. Feature orphan_present is set but orphan file is clean. Feature orphan_present is set but feature orphan_file is not. Orphan file (@i %i) size is not multiple of block size. Orphan file (@i %i) contains hole at @b %b. (NONE)FIXEDRELOCATEDALLOCATEDEXPANDEDRECONNECTEDCREATEDSALVAGEDTRUNCATEDINODE CLEAREDABORTEDSPLITCONTINUINGMULTIPLY-CLAIMED BLOCKS CLONEDFILE DELETEDSUPPRESSEDUNLINKEDHTREE INDEX CLEAREDWILL RECREATEWILL OPTIMIZEFLAG CLEARED(no prompt)FixClearRelocateAllocateExpandConnect to /lost+foundCreateSalvageTruncateClear inodeAbortSplitContinueClone multiply-claimed blocksDelete fileSuppress messagesUnlinkClear HTree indexRecreateOptimizeClear flag%.24sM-???@%cregular filecharacter deviceblock devicenamed pipesocketunknown file type with mode 0%o%%I%c%%D%c%*lludouble indirect blocktriple indirect blocktranslator blockblock #%lld%*u%*s%*llduserprojectunknown quota type0x%0*x0x%0*llx%%%c%.*s/aextended attributeAerror allocatingbblockBbitmapccompressCconflicts with some other fs @bddirectoryDdeletedeentryE@e '%Dn' in %p (%i)ffilesystemFfor @i %i (%Q) isggrouphHTREE @d @iiinodeIillegaljjournalllost+foundLis a linkmmultiply-claimedninvalidoorphanedpproblem inqquotarroot @isshould beSsuper@buunattachedvdevicexextentzzero-length@@in move_quota_inodeext2fs_read_bitmapsext2fs_write_new_inodeJBD2: corrupted journal superblockJBD2: bad block at offset %u JBD2: Failed to read block at offset %u JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %lu in log JBD2: IO error %d recovering block %ld in log obh != NULL../../e2fsck/recovery.cAssertion failure in %s() at %s line %d: "%s" JBD2: Invalid checksum recovering data block %llu in log JBD2: Out of memory during recovery.JBD2: recovery pass %d ended at transaction %u, expected %u JBD2: error %d scanning journal list_empty(hash_list)../../e2fsck/revoke.c!jbd2_revoke_record_cache!jbd2_revoke_table_cachejournal->j_revoke_table[0] == NULLis_power_of_2(hash_size)rehash_dirindexed_dir_slack_percentageRebuilding directoryPass 3Alog_dir_waitlog_dir%%d%02d%02d%lu%02d%02d%02dlog_dir_fallbackforkdaemonproblem_log_filenameSignal (%d) %s (sent from pid %u) si_code=%s si code=%d fault addr=%pCLD_EXITEDCLD_KILLEDCLD_DUMPEDCLD_TRAPPEDCLD_STOPPEDCLD_CONTINUEDBUS_ADRALNBUS_ADRERRBUS_OBJERRSEGV_MAPERRSEGV_ACCERRFPE_INTDIVFPE_INTOVFFPE_FLTDIVFPE_FLTOVFFPE_FLTUNDFPE_FLTRESFPE_FLTINVFPE_FLTSUBILL_ILLOPCILL_ILLOPNILL_ILLADRILL_ILLTRPILL_PRVOPCILL_PRVREGILL_COPROCILL_BADSTKSI_ASYNCNLSI_TKILLSI_SIGIOSI_ASYNCIOSI_MESGQSI_TIMERSI_QUEUESI_USERSI_KERNELSIGHUPSIGINTSIGQUITSIGILLSIGTRAPSIGABRTSIGIOTSIGBUSSIGFPESIGKILLSIGUSR1SIGSEGVSIGUSR2SIGPIPESIGALRMSIGTERMSIGSTKFLTSIGCHLDSIGCONTSIGSTOPSIGTSTPSIGTTINSIGTTOUSIGURGSIGXCPUSIGXFSZSIGVTALRMSIGPROFSIGWINCHSIGPOLLSIGPWRSIGSYSreadahead bitmaprebuild_extentsextent rebuild inode mapinodes_to_rebuildRebuilding extentsPass 1EUnhandled encryption policy versionEncrypted inodes processed out of order../../../lib/support/mkquota.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate dquot [QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID %u:actual (%lld, %lld) != expected (%lld, %lld) [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot close quotafile: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while opening inode scan. ret=%ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: while getting next inode. ret=%ld [QUOTA WARNING] Missing quota entry ID %d Couldn't allocate memory to parse quota options! The file %s does not exist and no size was specified. Creating regular file %s Could not open %s: %s The device apparently does not exist; did you specify it correctly? stat%s is not a block special device. LABEL%s contains a %s file system labelled '%s' %s contains a %s file system last mounted on %.*s on %s last mounted on %s created on %s last modified on %sE2FSPROGS_LIBMAGIC_SUPPRESSlibmagic.so.1magic_openmagic_filemagic_loadmagic_closeempty%s contains `%s' data PTTYPEFound a %s partition table in %s (root)HOME%s/%sfalsenilofftrueProfile version 0.0Bad magic value in profile_nodeProfile section not foundProfile relation not foundAttempt to add a relation to node which is not a sectionA profile section header has a non-zero valueBad linked list in profile structuresBad group level in profile structuresBad parent pointer in profile structuresBad magic value in profile iteratorCan't set value on section nodeInvalid argument passed to profile libraryAttempt to modify read-only profileProfile section header not at top levelSyntax error in profile section headerSyntax error in profile relationExtra closing brace in profileMissing open brace in profileBad magic value in profile_tBad magic value in profile_section_tIteration through all top level section not supportedInvalid profile_section objectNo more sectionsBad nameset passed to query routineNo profile file openBad magic value in profile_file_tCouldn't open profile fileSection already existsInvalid boolean valueInvalid integer valueBad magic value in profile_file_data_t../../../lib/support/quotaio.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_llseek failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_read failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_write failed: %ld unknown%s.%s[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ex2fs_read_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_write_new_inode failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: init_new_quota_inode failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %ld [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->new_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: ext2fs_file_open failed: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Unable to allocate quota handle [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->check_file failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: qh_ops->init_io failed [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dquot aquota../../../lib/support/quotaio_v2.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Not Implemented. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Your quota file is stored in wrong endianness [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: file size %llu; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_blk %u; dqi_blocks %u [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota inode %u corrupted: free_entry %u; dqi_blocks %u ../../../lib/support/quotaio_tree.c[ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write block (%u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read block %u: %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Failed to allocate dqbuf [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Illegal reference (%u >= %u) in %s quota file [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota for id %u referenced but not present. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot allocate new quota block (out of disk space). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota structure has offset to other block (%u) than it should (%u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Inserting already present quota entry (block %u). [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: find_free_dqentry(): Data block full unexpectedly. [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Quota write failed (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot write quota (id %u): %s [ERROR] %s:%d:%s: Cannot read quota structure for id %u: %s Collision found: '%s' refers to both '%s' and a file '%s'. Using '%s'! ~,;*f+x+...,..[-.-.+-.....-..........+2, ,-.-...,-a-.+.+.*.+.-..+-NNTNMTNNNNNNNNNNNNN\|/-FZ\_dlost+foundlost+found <%]L^|_`__0Dd=G 0`(UKDp`ԳJߴHtٻ 0`?IFL|r   <l..c//$ 0H u0x 0 1 1 2!X6L!6t!6! 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