#!/bin/busybox ash . /etc/init.d/tc-functions useBusybox # put user shutdown commands here # this is called from exittc, aka the gui shutdown option # if you shutdown from cli using shutdown/halt, this will not be called # # for custom cli shutdown commands, you should edit /etc/init.d/rc.shutdown # If no backup of home was done then loop through valid users to clean up. if [ ! -e /tmp/backup_done ] || ! grep -q "^home" /opt/.filetool.lst; then awk 'BEGIN { FS=":" } $3 >= 1000 && $1 != "nobody" { print $1 }' /etc/passwd > /tmp/users while read U; do while read F; do TARGET="/home/${U}/$F" if [ -d "$TARGET" ]; then rm -rf "$TARGET" else if [ -f "$TARGET" ]; then rm -f "$TARGET" fi fi done < /opt/.xfiletool.lst done < /tmp/users fi