#!/bin/busybox ash # RC Script for Tiny Core Linux # (c) Robert Shingledecker 2004-2012 # Several modifications for speed by Curaga . /etc/init.d/tc-functions useBusybox USER="tc" TCEDIR="/tmp/tce" TCEOPT="/tmp/tce/optional" TCLOOP="/tmp/tcloop" TCEINSTALLED="/usr/local/tce.installed" INSTALLED="" VERSION="$(getFullVer)" KERNEL="$(uname -r)" addUser(){ echo "${GREEN}Adding user ${YELLOW}$USER ${NORMAL}" /usr/sbin/adduser -s /bin/sh -G staff -D "$USER" echo "$USER":tcuser | /usr/sbin/chpasswd -m echo -e "$USER\tALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers } ### END functions # Main echo "${GREEN}Booting ${YELLOW}Core $VERSION ${NORMAL}" echo "${GREEN}Running Linux Kernel ${YELLOW}$KERNEL${GREEN}.${NORMAL}" export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:"$PATH" # Here we check all the boot parameters using the fastest way known to men, case & loop echo -n "${BLUE}Checking boot options...${NORMAL}" for i in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do case $i in *=*) case $i in waitusb*) WAITUSB=${i#*=} ;; lang*) LANGUAGE=${i#*=} ;; kmap*) KEYMAP=${i#*=} ;; tz*) TZ=${i#*=} ;; desktop*) DESKTOP=${i#*=} ;; ntpserver*) NTPSERVER=${i#*=} ;; icons*) ICONS=${i#*=} ;; noicons*) NOICONS=${i#*=} ;; user*) USER=${i#*=} ;; home*) MYHOME=${i#*=} ;; tcvd*) TCVD=${i#*=} ;; opt*) MYOPT=${i#*=} ;; swapfile*) SWAPFILE=${i#*=} ;; resume*) RESUME=${i#*=} ;; host*) HOST=1 ;; nodhcp* ) NODHCP=${i#*=} ;; nfsmount* ) NFSMOUNT=${i#*=} ;; tftplist* ) TFTPLIST=${i#*=} ;; httplist* ) HTTPLIST=${i#*=} ;; aoe* ) AOE=${i#*=} ;; nbd* ) NBD=${i#*=} ;; mydata* ) MYDATA=${i#*=} ;; pretce* ) PRETCE=${i#*=} ;; xvesa* ) XVESA=${i#*=} ;; rsyslog=* ) RSYSLOG=${i#*=}; SYSLOG=1 ;; blacklist* ) BLACKLIST="$BLACKLIST ${i#*=}" ;; iso* ) ISOFILE=${i#*=} ;; esac ;; *) case $i in nozswap) NOZSWAP=1 ;; nofstab) NOFSTAB=1 ;; nortc) NORTC=1 ;; syslog) SYSLOG=1 ;; noutc) NOUTC=1 ;; nodhcp) NODHCP=1 ;; noicons) NOICONS=1 ;; text) TEXT=1 ;; xonly) XONLY=1 ;; superuser) SUPERUSER=1 ;; noswap) NOSWAP=1 ;; secure) SECURE=1 ;; protect) PROTECT=1 ;; cron) CRON=1 ;; xsetup) XSETUP=1 ;; laptop) LAPTOP=1 ;; showapps) SHOWAPPS=1 ;; norestore) NORESTORE=1 ;; noautologin) NOAUTOLOGIN=1 ;; pause) PAUSE=1 ;; esac ;; esac done echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" if [ -n "$BLACKLIST" ]; then mkdir -p /etc/modprobe.d for i in $BLACKLIST; do echo "$i" | tr ',' '\n' | while read j ; do echo "blacklist $j" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf done done fi # Start Udev to populate /dev and handle hotplug events echo -n "${BLUE}Starting udev daemon for hotplug support...${NORMAL}" #/sbin/udevd --daemon 2>/dev/null >/dev/null /sbin/udevd --daemon 2>&1 >/dev/null #/sbin/udevadm trigger --action=add 2>/dev/null >/dev/null & /sbin/udevadm trigger --action=add 2>&1 >/dev/null & rotdash $! echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" [ -n "$WAITUSB" ] && ( case $WAITUSB in *:*) dev=${WAITUSB#*:} timeout=$((${WAITUSB%:*} * 4)) while [ $timeout -gt 0 ]; do echo -en "${BLUE}\rWaiting as requested... ${NORMAL}$(($timeout / 4)) " timeout=$(($timeout - 1)) blkid -lt $dev >/dev/null && timeout=0 || sleep 0.25 done echo ;; *) sleep "$WAITUSB" ;; esac ) modprobe loop 2>/dev/null #modprobe ohci_hcd if [ -n "$NOZSWAP" ]; then echo "${BLUE}Skipping compressed swap in ram as requested from the boot command line.${NORMAL}" else while [ ! -e /dev/zram0 ]; do usleep 50000; done grep MemFree /proc/meminfo | awk '{printf("%dK\n", $2/4)}' > /sys/block/zram0/disksize mkswap /dev/zram0 >/dev/null 2>&1 swapon /dev/zram0 echo "/dev/zram0 swap swap defaults,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab # Lets swapoff -a work fi if [ -n "$NOFSTAB" ]; then echo "${BLUE}Skipping /etc/fstab creation as requested from the boot command line.${NORMAL}" else echo "${BLUE}Scanning hard disk partitions to create ${YELLOW}/etc/fstab ${NORMAL}" /usr/sbin/rebuildfstab & fstab_pid=$! mv /tmp/98-tc.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/. 2>/dev/null /sbin/udevadm control --reload-rules & fi [ -n "$LANGUAGE" ] || LANGUAGE="C" echo -n "${GREEN}Setting Language to ${MAGENTA}$LANGUAGE" echo "LANG=$LANGUAGE" > /etc/sysconfig/language export LANG=$LANGUAGE echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" if [ -n "$TZ" ]; then echo -n "${GREEN}Setting Timezone to ${MAGENTA}$TZ" export TZ && echo "TZ=$TZ" > /etc/sysconfig/timezone echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" fi if [ -n "$NORTC" ]; then echo "${BLUE}Skipping rtc as requested from the boot command line.${NORMAL}" else while [ ! -e /dev/rtc0 ]; do usleep 50000; done if [ -n "$NOUTC" ]; then /sbin/hwclock -l -s & else /sbin/hwclock -u -s & fi fi if [ -n "$HOST" ]; then sethostname else /bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname fi if [ -n "$SYSLOG" ]; then [ -z "$RSYSLOG" ] || SOPTS=" -R $RSYSLOG -L " /sbin/syslogd ${SOPTS} && echo "${GREEN}syslog started.${NORMAL}" /sbin/klogd && echo "${GREEN}klog started." fi /sbin/ifconfig lo up /sbin/route add lo & if [ -n "$NODHCP" -a "$(type -t $NODHCP)" == "$NODHCP" ]; then $NODHCP fi if [ -n "$AOE" ]; then IFACE=$( echo $AOE | awk -F: '{ print $1 }') DEV=$( echo $AOE | awk -F: '{ print $2 }') ifconfig $IFACE up modprobe aoe echo "${BLUE}Waiting for $DEV${NORMAL}" CNT=120 until [ -e /dev/etherd/interfaces ] do [ $((--CNT)) -le 0 ] && break echo -ne "${RED}$CNT \r" sleep 1 done printf "%s\0" $IFACE > /dev/etherd/interfaces echo > /dev/etherd/discover until [ -e /dev/etherd/$DEV ] do [ $((--CNT)) -le 0 ] && break echo -ne "${RED}$CNT \r" sleep 1 done if [ $CNT -gt 0 ] ; then ln -s /dev/etherd/$DEV /dev/$DEV mkdir -p /mnt/$DEV mount /dev/$DEV /mnt/$DEV >/dev/null 2>&1 else echo -ne "\n$DEV NOT mounted! Press " ; read junk fi echo "${NORMAL}" fi # dhcp.sh runs udhcpc async, so it exits before network is up wait4Server() { if [ -z "$NODHCP" ]; then /etc/init.d/dhcp.sh fi SERVER=$1 ; NOPING=$2 ; CNT=0 if [ "$NOPING" == "1" ] ; then until ifconfig | grep -q Bcast do [ $((CNT++)) -gt 60 ] && break || sleep 1 done sleep 1 else until ping -c 1 $SERVER >/dev/null 2>&1 do [ $((CNT++)) -gt 60 ] && break || sleep 1 done fi DHCP_RAN=1 } if [ -n "$USER" ]; then if ! grep "$USER" /etc/passwd >/dev/null; then addUser; fi else USER="tc" fi echo "$USER" > /etc/sysconfig/tcuser mkdir -p /home/"$USER" if [ -n "$SUPERUSER" ]; then touch /etc/sysconfig/superuser fi # Setup base directories for TCE Applicatons [ -d "$TCEINSTALLED" ] || mkdir "$TCEINSTALLED" [ -d "$TCEDIR" ] || mkdir "$TCEDIR" [ -d "$TCEOPT" ] || mkdir "$TCEOPT" [ -d "$TCLOOP" ] || mkdir "$TCLOOP" ln -sf "$TCEDIR" /etc/sysconfig/tcedir chown "$USER" "$TCEOPT" chgrp staff "$TCEDIR" "$TCEOPT" "$TCEINSTALLED" "$TCLOOP" chmod g+w "$TCEDIR" "$TCEOPT" "$TCEINSTALLED" "$TCLOOP" chmod u+s /bin/busybox.suid /usr/bin/sudo get_app() { LOADER="tce-load -i" ; PKG=optional PROTO=$1 HOST=${2%%/*} REST=${2#*/} LENG=$((${#HOST}-1)) ; LAST=${HOST:$LENG:1} [ "$LAST" == ":" ] && HOST=${HOST:0:$LENG} FILE=${REST%:*} NAME=${FILE##*/} OPTS=${REST#*:} [ "$OPTS" == "no-ping" ] && NOPING=1 || NOPING=0 [ -z "$DHCP_RAN" ] && wait4Server $HOST $NOPING ( TCE=/tmp/tce/$PKG cd $TCE [ "$PROTO" = "TFTP" ] && tftp -g -r $FILE $HOST [ "$PROTO" = "HTTP" ] && wget -q http://${HOST}/${FILE} [ $SHOWAPPS ] && echo -ne "${BLUE}TFTP Loading Extensions ${YELLOW}" dos2unix -u $NAME while read FILE FL do APP=${FILE##*/} [ "$PROTO" = "TFTP" ] && tftp -g -r $FILE $HOST [ "$PROTO" = "HTTP" ] && wget -q http://${HOST}/${FILE} [ $SHOWAPPS ] && echo -ne "$APP " su "$USER" -c "$LOADER $FL $TCE/$APP" [ "$FL" == "-c" ] && rm $APP done < $NAME [ $SHOWAPPS ] && echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" rm $NAME ) } # Preload drivers needed for tce/opt/home on lvm/RAID etc if [ -n "$PRETCE" ]; then PKG=optional ; LOADER="tce-load -i" ; LIST=onboot.lst RAM=/tmp/tce CPTOFS="" if [ "$PRETCE" == "RAM" ] ; then SRC=$RAM [ -f $SRC/copy2fs.flg ] && CPTOFS=1 else PPATH=${PRETCE%%/*} mkdir -p /mnt/$PPATH mount /dev/$PPATH /mnt/$PPATH SRC=/mnt/$PRETCE [ -x $SRC/onpre.sh ] && cp $SRC/onpre.sh /tmp [ -f $SRC/copy2fs.flg ] && CPTOFS=1 if [ $CPTOFS ] ; then cp $SRC/$PKG/* $RAM/$PKG/ cp $SRC/$LIST $RAM/ SRC=$RAM umount /mnt/$PPATH 2>/dev/null fi fi MNT="" while read NAME OPT do [ $CPTOFS ] || grep -q $NAME $SRC/copy2fs.lst 2>/dev/null && FL="-c" || FL='' [ $FL ] || MNT=1 su "$USER" -c "/usr/bin/$LOADER $SRC/$PKG/$NAME" [ "$SRC" == "$RAM" ] && [ "$FL" == "-c" ] && rm $RAM/$PKG/$NAME done < $SRC/$LIST [ "$SRC" != "$RAM" ] && [ $MNT ] || umount /mnt/$PPATH 2>/dev/null rm $RAM/copy2fs.flg $RAM/copy2fs.lst 2>/dev/null [ -x /tmp/onpre.sh ] && /tmp/onpre.sh fi # First process tftp and http entries modprobe -q squashfs 2>/dev/null [ -n "$TFTPLIST" ] && get_app "TFTP" $TFTPLIST [ -n "$HTTPLIST" ] && get_app "HTTP" $HTTPLIST if [ -n "$NFSMOUNT" ]; then NFSPTH="/mnt/nfs" SERVER=$( echo $NFSMOUNT | awk -F: '{ print $1 }') DIR=$( echo $NFSMOUNT | awk -F: '{ print $2 }') OPTS=$( echo $NFSMOUNT | awk -F: '{ print $3 }' | tr "," " " ) MOUNT=mount; MOUNT4=/usr/local/sbin/mount.nfs4; NOPING=0 echo "${RED}Mounting NFS Server ${YELLOW}${SERVER}:${DIR}${NORMAL}" set $OPTS END while [ "$1" != "END" ] do case $1 in no-ping) NOPING=1 ;; nfs4) [ -x $MOUNT4 ] && MOUNT=$MOUNT4 ;; *) MYOPTS="${MYOPTS} $1" ;; esac shift done MYOPTS=$(echo $MYOPTS) # Remove pre/trailing space(s) MYOPTS=${MYOPTS// /,} # Replace SPACE with COMMA [ -z "$DHCP_RAN" ] && wait4Server $SERVER $NOPING wait $fstab_pid if [ -d $NFSPTH ]; then umount $NFSPTH >/dev/null 2>&1; fi mkdir -p $NFSPTH if [ -x /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client ]; then echo " --> nfs-utils detected" /usr/local/etc/init.d/nfs-client start OP=""; if [ ! "${MYOPTS}" == "" ]; then OP="-o $MYOPTS"; fi if $MOUNT "${SERVER}:${DIR}" $OP $NFSPTH 2>/dev/null; then FSOP=""; if [ ! "${MYOPTS}" == "" ]; then FSOP=",${MYOPTS}"; fi echo "${SERVER}:${DIR} $NFSPTH nfs defaults${FSOP} 0 0" >>/etc/fstab elif mount "${SERVER}:${DIR}" $OP $NFSPTH 2>/dev/null; then FSOP=""; if [ ! "${MYOPTS}" == "" ]; then FSOP=",${MYOPTS}"; fi echo "${SERVER}:${DIR} $NFSPTH nfs defaults${FSOP} 0 0" >>/etc/fstab fi elif OP="-o nolock"; if [ ! "${MYOPTS}" == "" ]; then OP="-o $MYOPTS"; fi echo " --> mounting bb-mount with $OP" mount $OP "${SERVER}:${DIR}" $NFSPTH 2>/dev/null; then FSOP="nolock"; if [ ! "${MYOPTS}" == "" ]; then FSOP=",${MYOPTS}"; fi echo "${SERVER}:${DIR} $NFSPTH nfs defaults,${FSOP} 0 0" >>/etc/fstab else echo "${RED}Mounting ${SERVER}:${DIR} failed${NORMAL}" fi fi touch /var/tmp/k5_skip if [ -n "$NBD" ]; then modprobe -q nbd SERVER=$( echo $NBD | awk -F: '{ print $1 }') PORT=$( echo $NBD | awk -F: '{ print $2 }') OPTS=$( echo $NBD | awk -F: '{ print $3 }') [ "$OPTS" == "no-ping" ] && NOPING=1 || NOPING=0 [ -z "$DHCP_RAN" ] && wait4Server $SERVER $NOPING nbd-client $SERVER $PORT /dev/nbd0 mkdir /mnt/nbd0 mount /dev/nbd0 /mnt/nbd0 2>&1 pidof nbd-client nbd0 >> /var/tmp/k5_skip fi if grep -q "^/dev/root" /proc/mounts; then INSTALLED=1 echo "${RED}Detected Traditional Hard drive installation.${NORMAL}" fi /sbin/ldconfig 2>/dev/null [ -n "$TEXT" ] && touch /etc/sysconfig/text [ -n "$XONLY" ] && touch /etc/sysconfig/xonly #Check for Virtual Hard Drive if [ -n "$TCVD" ]; then wait $fstab_pid TCVD="${TCVD#/}" TCVD="${TCVD#dev/}" TCVD_DEVICE="${TCVD%%/*}" TCVD_LOOPFILE="${TCVD#*/}" if [ "$TCVD_DEVICE" == "$TCVD_LOOPFILE" ]; then TCVD_DEVICE="$(tc_autoscan $TCVD_LOOPFILE 'f')" fi PARTITION="${TCVD_DEVICE##/dev/}" find_mountpoint "$PARTITION" if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then [ "$MOUNTED" == "yes" ] || /bin/mount "$MOUNTPOINT" usleep_progress if [ -f "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCVD_LOOPFILE" ]; then [ -d /mnt/tcvd ] || /bin/mkdir /mnt/tcvd ln -sf "$MOUNTPOINT"/"$TCVD_LOOPFILE" /dev/tcvd printf "/dev/tcvd \t/mnt/tcvd \text2\tloop\t0 0 #Added by TC\n" >> /etc/fstab sync fi fi fi if [ -n "$MYHOME" ]; then wait $fstab_pid PARTITION=${MYHOME##/dev/} find_mountpoint "$PARTITION" if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then [ "$MOUNTED" == "yes" ] || mount "$MOUNTPOINT" MS_MNTS=`mount|awk '$5~/fat|vfat|msdos|ntfs/{printf "%s ",$3}'` case "$MS_MNTS" in *"$MOUNTPOINT"* ) echo "Persistent HOME not supported on Microsoft File Systems." echo "${YELLOW}Request for persistent HOME on $PARTITION ignored." echo -n "${RED}Press Enter key.${NORMAL}"; read ans ;; * ) if [ -d "$MOUNTPOINT/home/$USER" ]; then mount --bind "$MOUNTPOINT/home" /home else mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT/home/$USER" mount --bind "$MOUNTPOINT/home" /home fi ;; esac else echo "Invalid device specified. Ignoring persistent HOME request!" fi fi setupHome unset OPT_SETUP if [ -n "$MYOPT" ]; then wait $fstab_pid PARTITION=${MYOPT##/dev/} find_mountpoint "$PARTITION" if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then [ "$MOUNTED" == "yes" ] || mount "$MOUNTPOINT" MS_MNTS=`mount|awk '$5~/fat|vfat|msdos|ntfs/{printf "%s ",$3}'` case "$MS_MNTS" in *"$MOUNTPOINT"* ) echo "Persistent OPT not supported on Microsoft File Systems." echo "${YELLOW}Request for persistent OPT on $PARTITION ignored." echo -n "${RED}Press Enter key.${NORMAL}"; read ans ;; * ) [ -d "$MOUNTPOINT"/opt ] || mkdir "$MOUNTPOINT"/opt yes n | cp -ai /opt/* /opt/.[!.]* "$MOUNTPOINT"/opt/ 2>/dev/null mount --bind "$MOUNTPOINT"/opt/ /opt/ # adjust the /opt directory itself: chgrp staff /opt >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod g+w /opt >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod g+s /opt >/dev/null 2>&1 # inside /opt, adjust only system files: for system_file in backgrounds .filetool.lst .xfiletool.lst bootlocal.sh bootsync.sh shutdown.sh tcemirror; do chgrp -R staff /opt/"$system_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod -R g+w /opt/"$system_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod g+s /opt/"$system_file" >/dev/null 2>&1 done ;; esac else echo "Invalid device specified. Skipping persistent OPT request!" fi fi [ -n "$XSETUP" ] && touch /tmp/xsetup_requested if [ -n "$LAPTOP" ]; then modprobe ac && modprobe battery 2>/dev/null modprobe yenta_socket >/dev/null 2>&1 || modprobe i82365 >/dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/udevadm trigger 2>/dev/null >/dev/null & echo "${GREEN}Laptop options enabled (AC, Battery and PCMCIA).${NORMAL}" fi if [ -n "$NOSWAP" ]; then echo "${BLUE}Ignoring swap partition(s) seek as requested.${NORMAL}" else wait $fstab_pid /sbin/swapon -a 2>/dev/null if [ "$?" == 0 ]; then echo "${GREEN}Possible swap partition(s) enabled.${NORMAL}"; fi fi if [ -n "$SWAPFILE" ]; then wait $fstab_pid SWAPFILE=${SWAPFILE##/dev/} find_mountpoint "$SWAPFILE" if [ -n "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then if [ "$MOUNTED" == "yes" ]; then swapon "$MOUNTPOINT"/tc.swp else mount "$MOUNTPOINT" && swapon "$MOUNTPOINT"/tc.swp fi fi fi if [ -n "$RESUME" ]; then rm -f /etc/sysconfig/tc.resume 2>/dev/null RESUME=`basename $RESUME` SWAP_SIZE=$(cat /proc/swaps | grep "$RESUME" | awk '{print $3}') [ -z "$SWAP_SIZE" ] && /sbin/swapon /dev/"$RESUME" && SWAP_SIZE=$(cat /proc/swaps | grep "$RESUME" | awk '{print $3}') [ -z "$SWAP_SIZE" ] && exit 1 MEM_SIZE=$(cat /proc/meminfo | awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}') if [ $SWAP_SIZE -gt $MEM_SIZE ]; then grep -q disk /sys/power/state && echo "disk" > /etc/sysconfig/tc.resume fi fi if [ "$NOICONS" == 1 ]; then > /etc/sysconfig/icons else # If icon manager is specified use that if [ -n "$ICONS" ]; then echo "$ICONS" > /etc/sysconfig/icons else [ -s /etc/sysconfig/icons ] && ICONS=`cat /etc/sysconfig/icons` fi fi [ "$NOICONS" == "ondemand" ] && touch /etc/sysconfig/noondemandicons sync wait $fstab_pid MSSG="${BLUE}Loading extensions...${NORMAL}" if [ -n "$SHOWAPPS" ]; then touch /etc/sysconfig/showapps echo "$MSSG" /usr/bin/tce-setup "booting" [ -n "$ISOFILE" ] && /usr/bin/fromISOfile "$ISOFILE" rm /etc/sysconfig/showapps echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" else echo -n "$MSSG" /usr/bin/tce-setup "booting" > /dev/null 2>&1 & rotdash $! [ -n "$ISOFILE" ] && /usr/bin/fromISOfile "$ISOFILE" > /dev/null 2>&1 & rotdash $! echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" if [ -s /tmp/aberr ]; then echo "${RED}Warning! Errors occured during the loading of the extensions.${YELLOW}" cat /tmp/aberr echo -n "${RED}Press Enter key.${NORMAL}"; read ans fi fi [ -n "$KEYMAP" ] || KEYMAP="us" if [ -f "/usr/share/kmap/$KEYMAP.kmap" ]; then echo -n "${GREEN}Setting keymap to ${MAGENTA}$KEYMAP" /sbin/loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/$KEYMAP.kmap echo "KEYMAP=$KEYMAP" > /etc/sysconfig/keymap echo "${GREEN} Done.${NORMAL}" fi if [ -n "$SECURE" ]; then getpasswd "root" echo "root:$PASSWD" | chpasswd -m getpasswd "$USER" echo "$USER:$PASSWD" | chpasswd -m fi if [ -n "$PROTECT" ]; then getpasswd "encryption" echo "$PASSWD" > /etc/sysconfig/bfe chown ${USER}:root /etc/sysconfig/bfe chmod 600 /etc/sysconfig/bfe fi [ -n "$XVESA" ] && sed -i 's/1024x768x32/'"$XVESA"'/' /home/"$USER"/.xsession 2>/dev/null # If desktop is specified use that if [ -n "$DESKTOP" ]; then echo "$DESKTOP" > /etc/sysconfig/desktop else [ -s /etc/sysconfig/desktop ] && DESKTOP=`cat /etc/sysconfig/desktop` fi # If ntpserver is specified use that if [ -n "$NTPSERVER" ]; then echo "$NTPSERVER" > /etc/sysconfig/ntpserver else [ -s /etc/sysconfig/ntpserver ] && NTPSERVER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/ntpserver` fi # If restore then also pass TCE directory for quick look of mydata.tgz backupfile if [ -n "$MYDATA" ]; then echo "$MYDATA" > /etc/sysconfig/mydata else echo "mydata" > /etc/sysconfig/mydata fi if [ -n "$NORESTORE" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Skipping restore as requested from the command line.${NORMAL}" else TCEDIR=`readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir` /etc/init.d/tc-restore.sh "$TCEDIR" fi # After restore items if [ -n "$NODHCP" ]; then echo "${GREEN}Skipping DHCP broadcast/network detection as requested on boot commandline.${NORMAL}" else [ -z "$DHCP_RAN" ] && /etc/init.d/dhcp.sh & [ -z "$NORTC" ] || /etc/init.d/settime.sh & fi [ -n "$CRON" ] && /etc/init.d/services/crond start /sbin/loadcpufreq 2>/dev/null & /opt/bootsync.sh [ -n "$NOAUTOLOGIN" ] && echo "booting" > /etc/sysconfig/noautologin if [ -n "$PAUSE" ]; then echo -n "${BLUE}Boot time configuration completed. Press to continue.${NORMAL}" read junk fi