import { URL } from 'url' import { TlsOptions } from 'tls' import Dispatcher from 'undici-types/dispatcher' import buildConnector from "undici-types/connector"; type ClientConnectOptions = Omit; /** * A basic HTTP/1.1 client, mapped on top a single TCP/TLS connection. Pipelining is disabled by default. */ export class Client extends Dispatcher { constructor(url: string | URL, options?: Client.Options); /** Property to get and set the pipelining factor. */ pipelining: number; /** `true` after `client.close()` has been called. */ closed: boolean; /** `true` after `client.destroyed()` has been called or `client.close()` has been called and the client shutdown has completed. */ destroyed: boolean; // Override dispatcher APIs. override connect( options: ClientConnectOptions ): Promise; override connect( options: ClientConnectOptions, callback: (err: Error | null, data: Dispatcher.ConnectData) => void ): void; } export declare namespace Client { export interface OptionsInterceptors { Client: readonly Dispatcher.DispatchInterceptor[]; } export interface Options { /** TODO */ interceptors?: OptionsInterceptors; /** The maximum length of request headers in bytes. Default: Node.js' `--max-http-header-size` or `16384` (16KiB). */ maxHeaderSize?: number; /** The amount of time, in milliseconds, the parser will wait to receive the complete HTTP headers (Node 14 and above only). Default: `300e3` milliseconds (300s). */ headersTimeout?: number; /** @deprecated unsupported socketTimeout, use headersTimeout & bodyTimeout instead */ socketTimeout?: never; /** @deprecated unsupported requestTimeout, use headersTimeout & bodyTimeout instead */ requestTimeout?: never; /** TODO */ connectTimeout?: number; /** The timeout after which a request will time out, in milliseconds. Monitors time between receiving body data. Use `0` to disable it entirely. Default: `300e3` milliseconds (300s). */ bodyTimeout?: number; /** @deprecated unsupported idleTimeout, use keepAliveTimeout instead */ idleTimeout?: never; /** @deprecated unsupported keepAlive, use pipelining=0 instead */ keepAlive?: never; /** the timeout, in milliseconds, after which a socket without active requests will time out. Monitors time between activity on a connected socket. This value may be overridden by *keep-alive* hints from the server. Default: `4e3` milliseconds (4s). */ keepAliveTimeout?: number; /** @deprecated unsupported maxKeepAliveTimeout, use keepAliveMaxTimeout instead */ maxKeepAliveTimeout?: never; /** the maximum allowed `idleTimeout`, in milliseconds, when overridden by *keep-alive* hints from the server. Default: `600e3` milliseconds (10min). */ keepAliveMaxTimeout?: number; /** A number of milliseconds subtracted from server *keep-alive* hints when overriding `idleTimeout` to account for timing inaccuracies caused by e.g. transport latency. Default: `1e3` milliseconds (1s). */ keepAliveTimeoutThreshold?: number; /** TODO */ socketPath?: string; /** The amount of concurrent requests to be sent over the single TCP/TLS connection according to [RFC7230]( Default: `1`. */ pipelining?: number; /** @deprecated use the connect option instead */ tls?: never; /** If `true`, an error is thrown when the request content-length header doesn't match the length of the request body. Default: `true`. */ strictContentLength?: boolean; /** TODO */ maxCachedSessions?: number; /** TODO */ maxRedirections?: number; /** TODO */ connect?: buildConnector.BuildOptions | buildConnector.connector; /** TODO */ maxRequestsPerClient?: number; /** TODO */ localAddress?: string; /** Max response body size in bytes, -1 is disabled */ maxResponseSize?: number; /** Enables a family autodetection algorithm that loosely implements section 5 of RFC 8305. */ autoSelectFamily?: boolean; /** The amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection attempt to finish before trying the next address when using the `autoSelectFamily` option. */ autoSelectFamilyAttemptTimeout?: number; /** * @description Enables support for H2 if the server has assigned bigger priority to it through ALPN negotiation. * @default false */ allowH2?: boolean; /** * @description Dictates the maximum number of concurrent streams for a single H2 session. It can be overridden by a SETTINGS remote frame. * @default 100 */ maxConcurrentStreams?: number } export interface SocketInfo { localAddress?: string localPort?: number remoteAddress?: string remotePort?: number remoteFamily?: string timeout?: number bytesWritten?: number bytesRead?: number } } export default Client;