import { StreamBuilder } from '../shared' import { Buffer } from 'buffer' import Ws, { ClientOptions } from 'ws' import _debug from 'debug' import { DuplexOptions, Transform } from 'readable-stream' import isBrowser from '../is-browser' import MqttClient, { IClientOptions } from '../client' import { BufferedDuplex, writev } from '../BufferedDuplex' const debug = _debug('mqttjs:ws') const WSS_OPTIONS = [ 'rejectUnauthorized', 'ca', 'cert', 'key', 'pfx', 'passphrase', ] function buildUrl(opts: IClientOptions, client: MqttClient) { let url = `${opts.protocol}://${opts.hostname}:${opts.port}${opts.path}` if (typeof opts.transformWsUrl === 'function') { url = opts.transformWsUrl(url, opts, client) } return url } function setDefaultOpts(opts: IClientOptions) { const options = opts if (!opts.port) { if (opts.protocol === 'wss') { options.port = 443 } else { options.port = 80 } } if (!opts.path) { options.path = '/' } if (!opts.wsOptions) { options.wsOptions = {} } if (!isBrowser && !opts.forceNativeWebSocket && opts.protocol === 'wss') { // Add cert/key/ca etc options WSS_OPTIONS.forEach((prop) => { if (, prop) && !, prop) ) { options.wsOptions[prop] = opts[prop] } }) } return options } function setDefaultBrowserOpts(opts: IClientOptions) { const options = setDefaultOpts(opts) if (!options.hostname) { options.hostname = } if (!options.hostname) { // Throwing an error in a Web Worker if no `hostname` is given, because we // can not determine the `hostname` automatically. If connecting to // localhost, please supply the `hostname` as an argument. if (typeof document === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Could not determine host. Specify host manually.') } const parsed = new URL(document.URL) options.hostname = parsed.hostname if (!options.port) { options.port = Number(parsed.port) } } // objectMode should be defined for logic if (options.objectMode === undefined) { options.objectMode = !( options.binary === true || options.binary === undefined ) } return options } function createWebSocket( client: MqttClient, url: string, opts: IClientOptions, ) { debug('createWebSocket') debug(`protocol: ${opts.protocolId} ${opts.protocolVersion}`) const websocketSubProtocol = opts.protocolId === 'MQIsdp' && opts.protocolVersion === 3 ? 'mqttv3.1' : 'mqtt' debug( `creating new Websocket for url: ${url} and protocol: ${websocketSubProtocol}`, ) let socket: Ws if (opts.createWebsocket) { socket = opts.createWebsocket(url, [websocketSubProtocol], opts) } else { socket = new Ws( url, [websocketSubProtocol], opts.wsOptions as ClientOptions, ) } return socket } /* istanbul ignore next */ function createBrowserWebSocket(client: MqttClient, opts: IClientOptions) { const websocketSubProtocol = opts.protocolId === 'MQIsdp' && opts.protocolVersion === 3 ? 'mqttv3.1' : 'mqtt' const url = buildUrl(opts, client) let socket: WebSocket if (opts.createWebsocket) { socket = opts.createWebsocket(url, [websocketSubProtocol], opts) } else { socket = new WebSocket(url, [websocketSubProtocol]) } socket.binaryType = 'arraybuffer' return socket } const streamBuilder: StreamBuilder = (client, opts) => { debug('streamBuilder') const options = setDefaultOpts(opts) options.hostname = options.hostname || || 'localhost' const url = buildUrl(options, client) const socket = createWebSocket(client, url, options) const webSocketStream = Ws.createWebSocketStream( socket, options.wsOptions as DuplexOptions, ) webSocketStream['url'] = url socket.on('close', () => { webSocketStream.destroy() }) return webSocketStream } /* istanbul ignore next */ const browserStreamBuilder: StreamBuilder = (client, opts) => { debug('browserStreamBuilder') let stream: BufferedDuplex | (Transform & { socket?: WebSocket }) const options = setDefaultBrowserOpts(opts) // sets the maximum socket buffer size before throttling const bufferSize = options.browserBufferSize || 1024 * 512 const bufferTimeout = opts.browserBufferTimeout || 1000 const coerceToBuffer = !opts.objectMode // the websocket connection const socket = createBrowserWebSocket(client, opts) // the proxy is a transform stream that forwards data to the socket // it ensures data written to socket is a Buffer const proxy = buildProxy(opts, socketWriteBrowser, socketEndBrowser) if (!opts.objectMode) { proxy._writev = writev.bind(proxy) } proxy.on('close', () => { socket.close() }) const eventListenerSupport = typeof socket.addEventListener !== 'undefined' // was already open when passed in if (socket.readyState === socket.OPEN) { stream = proxy stream.socket = socket } else { // socket is not open. Use this to buffer writes until it is opened stream = new BufferedDuplex(opts, proxy, socket) if (eventListenerSupport) { socket.addEventListener('open', onOpen) } else { socket.onopen = onOpen } } if (eventListenerSupport) { socket.addEventListener('close', onClose) socket.addEventListener('error', onError) socket.addEventListener('message', onMessage) } else { socket.onclose = onClose socket.onerror = onError socket.onmessage = onMessage } // methods for browserStreamBuilder function buildProxy( pOptions: IClientOptions, socketWrite: typeof socketWriteBrowser, socketEnd: typeof socketEndBrowser, ) { const _proxy = new Transform({ objectMode: pOptions.objectMode, }) _proxy._write = socketWrite _proxy._flush = socketEnd return _proxy } function onOpen() { debug('WebSocket onOpen') if (stream instanceof BufferedDuplex) { stream.socketReady() } } /** * */ function onClose(event: CloseEvent) { debug('WebSocket onClose', event) stream.end() stream.destroy() } /** * */ function onError(err: Event) { debug('WebSocket onError', err) const error = new Error('WebSocket error') error['event'] = err stream.destroy(error) } /** * */ async function onMessage(event: MessageEvent) { let { data } = event if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) data = Buffer.from(data) else if (data instanceof Blob) data = Buffer.from(await new Response(data).arrayBuffer()) else data = Buffer.from(data as string, 'utf8') if (proxy && !proxy.destroyed) { proxy.push(data) } } function socketWriteBrowser( chunk: any, enc: string, next: (err?: Error) => void, ) { if (socket.bufferedAmount > bufferSize) { // throttle data until buffered amount is reduced. setTimeout(socketWriteBrowser, bufferTimeout, chunk, enc, next) return } if (coerceToBuffer && typeof chunk === 'string') { chunk = Buffer.from(chunk, 'utf8') } try { // (note this doesn't have a cb as second arg) socket.send(chunk) } catch (err) { return next(err) } next() } function socketEndBrowser(done: (error?: Error, data?: any) => void) { socket.close() done() } // end methods for browserStreamBuilder return stream } export { browserStreamBuilder, streamBuilder }